Chapter 1193 Delicate (37)

Sister-in-law Li standing there was frightened by his expression just now.

She patted her chest, and pointed in the direction Yu Falcon left, with lingering fear in her heart.

"My God... have you seen his face just now..."

"What happened to his face?"

The women inside were knocking on melon seeds, curious.

"Just... oops, I don't know what to say."

Sister-in-law Li is uneducated and can't hold any adjectives.

He just said dryly, "He looks very nervous, Yun girl."

The women all let out a chorus, turned around, and continued chatting.

Nothing strange or unexpected.

"It's not a matter of a day or two for Mumu to be nervous about Yunsi, so what's the matter?"

"That's right, it's strange that he's not nervous."

"Hey, speaking of it, didn't my family just dig up sweet potatoes yesterday? That Mu Mu ran over to our family and said that he wanted to exchange meat for our sweet potatoes. In the end, he carried a whole sack back!"

"Hey, why do you want to go back so much?"

"What else can I do? Yesterday I roasted some sweet potatoes and brought them here. Didn't I share them with you? Girl Yun also ate them and said they were delicious and very sweet. Didn't the wood come just in time?"

"My God, does he remember this?"

"That's not right, he is very concerned about the little girl, she will find a way to get whatever she likes."

"Look, why is this man so nice?"

"Oh, it's too bad. Look at my family, who goes to bed when he's full. He doesn't even know his last name."

"It's so annoying to compare people to people..."

"That's not..."





Yu Falcon ran all the way, past the gate of his house.

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, he opened the door and went in, walked straight into the room, and opened the cabinet inside.

Inside, her clothes were still there, not taken away.

Open the bottom layer and take out the money inside.

The white silver taels, and the stacks of silver bills.

His eyes swept quickly.

Five taels less.

He closed the cabinet again.

Silently, he went out again.

At this time, every household smoked from cooking.

The aroma of rice and coriander wafts through the alleys.

The sun in the sky is still shining brightly, but there are clouds floating in, blocking that part of the sunlight.

It was a little cooler.

The man walked quickly, taking a shortcut.

The town is not far from the village, nor is it close.

He walked hurriedly across the field path.

Not long after he walked, he suddenly stopped walking.

From a distance, he saw the slender figure in water blue.

Walking quietly, with his head down, he kicked the stones on the ground one after another.

He didn't hold anything in his hand, his hands were entangled, and he walked along the main road.

He went all the way to the village.

It was far away, but she seemed to sense something, suddenly raised her head and looked over.

Yu Sun looked away, as if he didn't see her.

The person in the distance stood there, blinking.

The man with a muscular body was standing on the field path, not knowing what he was doing.

There were fields, and the rice had just been harvested, and the fields were full of leftover stalks.

His family has no land, what is he doing standing there?
She tilted her head slightly.

I saw him turn around and leave.

Go back in the direction of home.

Like not seeing her.

Yun Si watched him walk away and his figure disappeared into the room, then lowered his head again and kicked the stones.

Walk quietly, slowly.


(End of this chapter)

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