Chapter 1194 Delicate (38)

In a nearby house, Mrs. Li stuck her head out, "You're back?"

Yun Si looked up.

Sister-in-law Li was still holding a pot and spoon in her hand, with a cloth around her waist, as if she was still cooking.

She said: "Hurry up and go home, Yu Sun is looking for you in a hurry!"

"……Find me?"

"Yes, he went to the aunt's house just now, and he left in a hurry when he found that you were not there."

Yun Si was startled slightly.

Sister-in-law Li raised the pot and spoon.

"Go back quickly. I think he's going to look for you in the town. When you go back, remember to look around and see if you can meet him."

Yun Si was silent for a moment.

After a while, she nodded, "Okay, thank you sister-in-law."

"You're welcome~"




When he got home, Yu Falcon was already cooking.

The aroma of vegetables wafted out, and wisps of white smoke wafted from the chimney on the roof.

The door was open and half ajar.

Yun Si entered the door, turned around and slowly closed it.

Go through the yard and go under the eaves.

In the corner was the pannier he often carried. Standing there, she could see the green pears in the pannier.

The pears have been washed, not big, there are more than a dozen.

She watched quietly, squatting down.

The slender back squatted in front of the basket, small and motionless.

There is a silent sense of grievance.

Like a little fox who wants to steal it but dare not, with drooping ears.

The man came out with the dishes. Seeing this scene, his resolute face remained expressionless.

With a heart of stone, he walked over, grabbed her arm, and pulled her up.

"Go wash your hands and eat after eating."

"..." The pretty little fox girl looked at him silently.

Eye sockets seem a little red.

The aggrieved lip was about to bite.

He paused.

"No one is robbing you, what's the hurry?"

Always such an indifferent tone, cold, with some awkwardness.

She looked at him without speaking, her eyes were slightly red.

He let her go.

Without saying a word, he took the food and entered the house.

The back basket was just there, but even if she ate it, nothing would happen.

He wouldn't do anything to her either.

The little girl looked at him, her eyes became redder.

The mist shrouded the water, as if teardrops were about to fall in the next second.

She followed him like a little tail.

Wherever he went, she followed him.

There was a lot of oily smoke in the kitchen, and she wanted to come in, but he stopped her at the door.

Frowning, with a low tone, "Go wash your hands, don't come here to make trouble."

She hugged him immediately.

Stepping forward, she hugged his waist.

In an instant, his body froze.

The action stopped abruptly.

The little girl's head was buried deep in his chest, and he didn't think his body smelled of sweat.

Xiangxiang's soft body was pressed against her, and the faint scent of flowers on her body seemed to dispel the heat in the kitchen.

Refreshing and pleasant, just like autumn wind.

His movements were frozen there, almost subconsciously, and he breathed lightly.

She wanted to back away, but she hugged her tightly, airtight.

He wanted to push it away, but his hands were dirty and oily, and he didn't dare to touch her.

It seemed that only at this time would he show some embarrassment and bewilderment.

His body was stiff, unable to move or push, and his face was slightly flushed.

The dark face should have rough skin and thick flesh, but at this time, it turned black and red.

His lips moved wildly, and he didn't know where to put his eyes.

The temperature of the body is rising rapidly, and the Adam's apple is rolling up and down, as if it is difficult to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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