Chapter 1219 Can You (6)


In the room, a soft and hoarse voice came, accompanied by two coughs.

It's like a clear spring in the mountains, it sounds inexplicably pleasant, and it also has a soothing taste.

Yun Si cursed secretly, and quickly turned off the phone.

The rapid ringing of the mobile phone stopped, and she stood behind the door, thinking about whether to push the door.

But while hesitating, before she could make a move, the door opened.

Inside, a man in a pure white shirt sat on a wheelchair, raised his long eyelashes, and looked at her quietly.

The eyes are dark and deep, and seem to be stained with mist, like a black hole, which can make people fall into it.

The warm-toned light hit his face, and his complexion was fair.

The lips are thin and beautiful like flower petals.

She has a gentle and elegant temperament, with slightly raised eye tails.

It can be seen that this is a very mild-tempered gentleman with a slight bookish look on his body.

Yun Si blinked.

Seeing a woman standing at the door, he seemed to be taken aback for a moment.

Immediately, a shallow and gentle smile flashed across his eyes, and he quietly beat his hands on his legs with a soft voice.

"What's the matter? Miss."

He was not even angry when he was directly entered into the room.

Yun Si stared straight at him, and then looked at the table in the bedroom.

There was a glass full of water, and two pills beside it.

His lips were brightly colored, and he looked like he had just drank water.

"Miss?" His gentle eyebrows and eyes seemed to bend, and his smile deepened.

"Miss, did you go to the wrong room?"

After the words were finished, the tall and beautiful woman in front of her suddenly bent down and pressed her hands on the armrests of his wheelchair.

Leaning over to look at him, Yan Ye stared at him intently with her burning peach eyes.

Or rather, staring at his lips.

Too close, so that the man in the wheelchair can almost see herself in her eyes.

The woman was wearing a long skirt, and she had an indescribable fragrance on her body.

His long eyelashes trembled, and his dark eyes were unbelievably elegant and beautiful under the dim light.

That fair and cold face was still looking at her gently, and asked softly, "Miss, what are you doing?"

She looked at him steadily, and seemed to purse her lips.

After hesitating for a moment, she raised her hand and pointed to the water glass on the table.

"Sir, you didn't drink the water in the glass, did you?"

She finally spoke the first sentence, she was delicate and soft, and she seemed to deliberately lower her tone.

"." The man looked at her slightly puzzled, although he didn't know why she asked that, but he still nodded.

"Drink it."

He turned his face away, raised his long fingers, curled up slightly, and coughed softly.

The beautiful eyelashes are long and thick, trembling like a frightened butterfly, and Yun Si can see his face gradually turning red.

I don't know if it's the cough or the
She was silent for a moment, then straightened up.

The dark red skirt swayed slightly, and she pointed to the armrest of the wheelchair with her slender, white fingers, and said:
"Sir, if you don't want to find a woman to solve it, I suggest you call an emergency immediately."

"The glass of water was drugged."

The man raised his shallow eyes.

The dark eyes are still gentle.

Looking at her quietly, he slowly lowered his hand.


He murmured softly, his tone seemed a little as cool as fine snow.

Yun Si nodded: "The dose of the medicine is very heavy, even a sip is enough to make a grown man lose his mind."

(End of this chapter)

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