Chapter 1220 Can You (7)

"So sir, do you want me to call you?"

As she spoke, she took out her cell phone from her bag.

The phone was turned off just now, and she needs to restart it.

However, a slightly pale and beautiful hand gently held her down.

He coughed lowly, and his fair face became more and more warm red.

But even so, his eyes are still clear and soft, and there is a faint smile on the corner of his lips.

He shook his head and said in a low voice: "No need, I just want to sleep and it will be fine."

"..." Yun Si frowned, "Are you... sure?"

He nodded with a smile, and retracted his hand just right.

Under the soft light, his whole body was cool and warm, with warm light covering his shoulders, Lang Yan was unique, and his smile was amazing.

Yun Si looked at him quietly for a long time.

Then, she put down the phone.

"I sleep in the living room, if you feel uncomfortable, you can call me."

His eyelashes trembled, and he looked at her quietly.

Yun Si probably also knew that it was not good for her to be so familiar, so she thought about it and approached.

"Sir, my name is Yun Si, how about you?"

"Sheng Huai."

His fair and moist face became more and more red, with an abnormal light redness.

It's like a lotus that has been forced to mature, a different kind of gorgeous color appears in the beautiful pure white.

Yun Si looked at him and nodded.

When he got up to leave, the strong fragrance on his body also dissipated.

Disappears quickly.

"Sir, make sure you really don't go to the doctor—"

He gently grabbed her wrist.

The fingertips also seemed to rise with the body temperature, which was a bit scalding.

Yun Si's words stopped abruptly.

He gasped for breath and coughed lightly from time to time.

The light red continued to spread, but the time for the medicine to take effect was very fast.

Amazingly fast.


She knew she had to go to the hospital.

"Sir, you—"

He slowly raised his long eyelashes, and his clear and dark eyes seemed to be covered with a light and hazy mist.

Because of patience, his thin lips were pressed tightly, and his low breathing became more and more heavy.

The strong effect of the medicine was like thousands of ants gnawing on his body, densely packed, making his physiological reaction more intense.

It was so strong that he grabbed her hand tightly and with abnormal force.

Seeing his reaction, Yun Si was thinking whether to knock him out before casting a spell.

As a result, he said softly: "Can you please put some cold water on me."

The blushing beauty, even panting lowly, is extremely pleasing to the eye, making it impossible to move one's eyes away.

Yun Si collected herself and nodded.

"it is good."

Only then did he slowly let go of her wrist, and leaned back on the wheelchair, his eyelashes trembling violently.

A beautiful thin red with lips as soft as petals.

He seemed to be trying to calm down his reaction, trying to use his rationality to suppress the drug.

Yun Si didn't dare to delay, put down her bag, and walked quickly into the bathroom.

Put the water, put the coldest water, she glanced outside, then pinched a trick, and dropped fine crystal clear spiritual power into the water.

As long as he comes in for a dip, he should be fine.

She sighed and stared at the water in the bathtub for a while.

It was almost time before she went out.

"Mr.?" Seeing that the wheelchair was empty, she froze.

He is not. Disabled?

Before she had time to think about it, behind her, a clear embrace suddenly embraced her.

Hugging tightly, he gently bit the soft flesh on her neck.

Touching the sensitive part, Yun Si flinched.

(End of this chapter)

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