Chapter 1232 Can You (19)

Women seem to think of this too.

So, he turned around kindly, stretched out his hand, patted his hand, and comforted him: "I don't want it anymore now, go to sleep, Mr. Sheng."

"." The good-tempered big sheep didn't speak, and the blush on his face hadn't disappeared yet.

Because his temper is too mild, he seems not even angry.

She just lowered her eyelashes quietly, the slender and thick eyelashes were on the white eyelids, the shadows were light, without sadness or joy.

In the quietness, there was an inexplicable grievance.

Yun Si expressed sympathy and understanding.

She didn't speak any more and withdrew her hand.

In the next second, when she was about to leave, the big sheep suddenly rushed over.

He hugged her directly from behind, resting his head on her shoulder, his broken hair was hanging down, blocking his beautiful eyebrows and eyes, only his pure white body could be seen.

"Once, just once, okay?"

"I'm uncomfortable"

His voice was low, whimpering like a small animal.

"Si Si."

The gentle and gentle big sheep, even wanting it, has such a pleading tone.

The wronged one, he was the one who was molested just now, but he was the one who was dissatisfied in the end.

The mouth is not the heart.

Yun Si was a little funny.

"Mr. Sheng, I still have to go to work."

It was almost eight o'clock when I had such a fight with him just now.

Her assistant is still waiting outside.

Helpless, she tried to break his hand away.

But he pushed harder, hugged her tightly, and vowed not to give up.

"Really, just once. Just once. Please. Si Si"

"Soon, really fast"

"." Yun Si squinted at him, "Are you sure?"

He hummed softly.

Probably sensing the softening of her attitude, he pressed her directly onto the bed with force.

"." Yun Si glanced at the time on the bedside table.

Sighing, she hugged him slowly.

"Okay, just once."

The big sheep didn't speak, and buried it in her neck.

As it turns out, a man's words in bed can't be trusted at all.

Say something and it will be fast, he will be obedient.
Totally a liar with no credibility.

Yun Si was late in the end.

When he hurried out, his assistant Ning Wen had already waited outside until noon.

Ning Wen had been waiting for her, and when he wanted to call her, he found that her cell phone was turned off.

Don't know what to do in there, he muttered.

Until noon, finally, Yun Si called him.

On the phone, her voice was a little hoarse, and she said that she asked him to go to dinner first and pick her up after dinner.

Ning Wen had no choice but to follow suit.

After one o'clock in the afternoon, Yun Si came out of the villa.

She didn't tie her hair up today, and let her long hair fall down rarely.

Wearing a peaked cap, he has been arranging his hair.

It seems to be holding the hair to cover the neck.

Watching her open the door and get into the car, Ning Wen turned his head.

"Boss, good afternoon."

"Let's go." She said concisely.

"Okay, boss." Ning Wen started the car.

When he left the villa, he glanced outside and asked curiously, "Boss, is this really Mr. Sheng's home?"

The woman in the back seat didn't speak.

Wearing a peaked cap, half of her face was covered, only her lips as red as rose petals were exposed.

Excessively red, like applying lip gloss.

She lowered her peaked cap, coughed lightly, and covered her blushing face, and said calmly, "This will be my home from now on."

"I married Sheng Huai."

(End of this chapter)

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