Chapter 1233 Can You (20)

"Oh... Married..."

".Huh?!! Married?!?"

He looked at the villa and then at her, dumbfounded: "Married?"

"When did this happen?"

How could he have no idea? ?

Yun Si obviously didn't want to say more, so she clicked the time on her phone.

It's late, and it's really time to go to work.

Ning Wen had no choice but to shut up.

While driving steadily, he was still thinking, didn't the boss just meet Mr. Sheng yesterday?Why today.

He stole a glance back through the rearview mirror.

The woman in the back seat, wearing a neat business attire and a peaked cap, was looking at her phone with her head down.

Still indifferent attitude, not at all like just married.

He muttered in his heart and looked away.

Yun Si lowered her head, looked at the new message on the phone, and replied to what should be replied.

By the way, she saw a friend request.

It was sent at eight o'clock this morning, and the other party's profile picture was Lin Group.

Nothing was said in the message verification box, and the purpose of adding her was unknown.

Yun Si's face was cold, and she directly refused.

But the other party seemed to have been waiting for her reply, and immediately applied again after being rejected.

It seemed inevitable to add her.

Yun Si still refused.

The other party sent it for the third time.

This time, there is a sentence in the message verification box:

I am the general manager of Lin Group. I need you to answer some questions about the last cooperation.

Simple and polite, and explained the purpose of adding her.

"." Yun Si narrowed her eyes slightly.

Finally, she clicked through.

The other party sent a message in the next second.

The first sentence is to ask her to meet, saying that there is something important to discuss.

Yun Si frowned and raised her eyes.

"Xiao Ning, is our cooperation with Lin's last time over yet?"

Ning Wen drove the car and thought for a while: "Not yet, Lin's funds have not been in place, and they said that we have to wait for a while."

"." Yun Si put down her phone, and looked out the window lightly.

After a while, she said: "Their general manager came to see me and said they have something to discuss."

"Today at four o'clock in the afternoon, spare half an hour."

Ning Wen responded.

"Half an hour, isn't it enough?"

Lin is a big company after all, will this be
Yun Si let out a sigh without emotion.

"They don't look down on small companies like us at all. If they say they want to come this time, they probably have to find a lot of problems with our project."

It's not bad to stay out for half an hour, otherwise, she wouldn't even want to see those people.

Ning Wen nodded, feeling deeply.

Not long after Yun Si left, Sheng Huai also left the villa.

He sat in the car, put on a pure white shirt, black trousers, leaned on the special seat, his profile was cold and charming.

A pair of slightly long and narrow phoenix eyes, the pupils are shimmering, as if shrouded in thick fog, unable to see clearly.

The slender and plain white hand tapped the white paper lightly, his brows were light, as if nothing could stir up any waves in him.

The bodyguard sitting in the passenger seat reported to him the recent situation of the Lin Group.

When he was talking about something, the bodyguard lowered his voice and said, "Lin Zhihan sent someone to investigate Madam yesterday."

Ma'am, I mean Yunsi.

The man raised his eyes slightly, the phoenix eyes were beautiful and sharp: "Oh?"

The voice was very weak, and no emotion could be heard.

(End of this chapter)

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