Chapter 1250 Can You (37)

A sharp knife was taken out from behind, and it was silently pressed against her waist.

The beauty's eyelashes are slightly raised, and her appearance is bright.

He gritted his teeth and said, "If you want to live, call Sheng Huai and ask him to return everything to me!"

Yun Si said nothing, and looked at him with a half-smile.

"Hurry up!" he yelled out of control.

Yun Si lowered her head and glanced at the knife.

He seemed to feel that she was provoking him, thinking that he didn't dare to stab in, so he sank in a little harder.

It punctured the fabric around her waist.

"Hurry up!!!" he yelled again.

His face was red and his ears were red, his eyes were angry.

like a lunatic.

Yun Si twitched the corners of her lips, but said nothing.

Picking up the phone, in front of him, called Sheng Huai.

With a "beep—" he quickly picked it up.

"Si Si?" A gentle and gentle voice came from the phone.

Before Yun Si could speak, the phone was snatched vigorously by Lin Zhihan.

"Sheng Huai, your wife is in my hands, if you want to save her, give it to me immediately—"

"Pa—" A brick hit the lunatic's head directly.

The bricks cracked, and Lin Zhihan's voice stopped instantly.

The mobile phone fell to the path with a clatter and made a loud sound.

Just now, the man with a distorted expression who was still holding the knife fell to the ground in the next second.

Motionless, eyes closed, unconscious.

The beauty is wearing a white dress, standing under the moonlight, the moonlight is bright and warm as flowers.

Looking down at the people on the ground from a height, the brick in his hand disappeared, and he clapped his hands.

When she picked up the phone again, she said, "It's all right, sir, I'm in the garden now."

There was no response on the phone, as if he was accidentally hung up just now.

Yun Si shook the phone, the screen was black and broken.

Useless stuff.

She patted the phone case and muttered.





Mr. Sheng will be here soon.

I don't know how he managed to find her within 1 minute, and appeared in front of her accurately.

Instead of sitting in a wheelchair, he strode over directly, without saying anything, and hugged her directly.

A cold breath rushed towards his face, he embraced her, put his slightly trembling palm on her back, and hugged her tightly.

"Are you injured?"

His voice was low and slightly hoarse.

Faintly, you can still hear a few trembling endings.

Yun Si blinked her eyes, slowly hugged him back, and replied, "No, he didn't do anything to me."

He buried his whole face in the crook of her neck, and hummed softly.

He didn't say anything, and seemed to be inhaling deeply of her scent.

Yun Si watched the indifferent bodyguard behind him lift Lin Zhihan up simply and roughly, and carried him out through another passage.

All traces of the scene were immediately disposed of, including surveillance cameras.

Yun Si couldn't help but bend her eyes, "Sir, are you afraid that I will go to jail?"

He hugged her and didn't speak.

It was quiet, and there was an inexplicable weirdness.

Yun Si was afraid that he would be unhappy, so she subconsciously explained: "It was an accident just now, I didn't mean to put myself in a dangerous place, don't be angry."

"It was he who forcibly pulled me over, asked me strange questions, then suddenly took out the knife, and insisted that I call you."

"Sir, it's really not my intention, you won't be angry, will you?"

The man buried himself in her neck without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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