Chapter 1251 Can You (38)

After a long time, he slowly raised his head, his eyes were dark and clear.

Under the hazy and bright moonlight, he had fair eyebrows and calm complexion, his slender and thick eyelashes fluttered slightly, and he stared at her steadfastly, without speaking.

There was no emotion at all, it was as calm as a sea covered in thick fog, the less waves and ups and downs, the more frightening it was.

"..." Yun Si opened her mouth, just about to say something.

But he quickly showed a gentle and gentle smile, clean and beautiful, without showing any sharp aggression.

"I know, I won't be angry."

He stroked her face gently, his eyelashes were tender and soft.

When the cool fingertips touched her face, it was like being licked by a snake letter, with an extremely cold feeling.

Yun Si paused and looked at him in silence.

He hugged her again, pulled her into his arms completely, and patted her on the back with gentle movements.

Nothing unusual, still the gentle temperament she likes.

Then she breathed a sigh of relief.

It's fine if you're not angry, she doesn't like him being angry at all.





However, that night, Mr. Sheng still found that the cloth around her waist was torn.

She changed her dress and wrapped herself in a towel to take a shower.

Mr. Sheng was left alone, standing in the spacious dressing room, staring at the dress quietly, with no emotion on his face.

His slender fingers caressed the broken place gently.

The long eyelashes drooped down, and the arcs at the end of the eyes were calm, even a little strangely calm.

Yun Si didn't know that he had been staring at her dress. She stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom and looked at her waist.

Fortunately, there is only a little redness, and the skin has not been scratched.

Otherwise, if she has a wound on her body, Sheng Huai will definitely find it when she goes to bed later.

Although he has a good temper, he has never said a word to her fiercely.

But the faint premonition in her heart told her that it was better not to get hurt.

Worry about this and that again.

She pursed her lips and took off the bath towel on her body.

Turn on the shower and take a shower.

When Yun Si came out again, Sheng Huai was no longer in the room.

In her dressing room, the dress she had changed was neatly folded and placed in a special laundry basket.

Look at the meticulous folding technique.As soon as I guessed it, it was him who folded it.

Yun Si couldn't find anyone with him, so she changed into her pajamas and went downstairs.

He is still not there and seems to have gone out.

Yun Si drank a glass of water, sat down and watched TV for a while.

Her phone was broken and was useless, Sheng Huai gave her a new one.

Opened it and looked at it, all the records inside were copied without any mistakes.

Sheng Huai sent her a message, saying that he was going out on business and asked her to sleep first.

Yun Si replied hello.

It's also good if he's not here, so that he won't notice the inexplicable redness on her waist.

Thinking of this, the little fairy went to bed with peace of mind.

Covering herself with a soft quilt, she closed her eyes.

Yun Si didn't know when Sheng Huai came back.

It's just that when she woke up the next day, she found that he was lying beside her, holding her, as usual.

She gently took his hand away and got out of bed.

Stepping on the soft carpet with bare feet, when she walked into the dressing room, she realized that her waist had been smeared with medicine.

The faint grass smell, like healing skin trauma.

It felt smooth on her waist, it should have been there for several hours.

She looked in the mirror, touched it, and couldn't help but curl her lips.

(End of this chapter)

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