Chapter 1259 Can You (46)

The next time I received a call from Sheng Huai, it was in the early hours of the morning.

Yun Si was already lying on the bed and fell asleep, when she heard the phone ringing, she frowned and covered herself with a pillow.

In a daze, she didn't want to move or pick up, she just wanted to sleep.

However, the phone still rang for a long time, continuously.

She called once, but she didn't answer, so she called again.

Time and time again, the phone rang rapidly, and it seemed that she must answer it.

Yun Si closed her eyes and threw the pillow away irritably.

Stretch out your hand and poke at the head of the bed.

With a swipe of his fingertip, he put it next to his ear without looking at it.


The noisy background sound from the mobile phone came over, and a male voice tentatively said, "Excuse me, is it Yun Si?"

"..." Yun Si opened her eyes and glanced at the caller ID.

".Isn't this Sheng Huai's phone? Who are you?"

The man on the phone was visibly relieved.

"I'm his friend, he's drunk, and he's in a bad mood, so if it's convenient, let's see. Can you pick him up now?"

"..." Yun Si sat up, her eyebrows twitched, "Drunk?"

This dog man, it's okay to have a cold war with her, and he's still drinking? ? ?

The man smiled: "Sister-in-law, you should come and pick him up quickly, now he doesn't want others to touch him, and keeps throwing things."

"You don't come again. He's afraid he's going to ruin the whole bar."

"." Yun Si sat on the bed, pressed the center of her brows, and did not speak.

After a while, she lifted the quilt and got out of bed.

"Send me the address, and I'll go there now."

He Qi hung up the phone, and then looked at the person sitting on the sofa drinking slowly.

Leaning there, she was dressed in a black suit, with a fierce aura, long eyelashes drooping, and phoenix eyes were deep and cold.

Where there is any appearance of being drunk, at most it is slightly drunk.

He Qi chuckled, leaned comfortably on the bar, and said, "Brother Huai, the road has been paved for you, now it's up to you to perform well."

"When my sister-in-law comes, you will show weakness, as weak as you want. Anyway, let her calm down first."

"As long as she doesn't get angry, everything will be fine."

Sheng Huai lowered his eyes and said nothing.

The narrow and long phoenix eyes have a very shallow arc, and there is an ice-like loneliness in the coldness.

With a pale face, he drank the red wine in the glass in one gulp.

It's like the temperatureless vampire in Western mythology, drinking cold blood.

He Qi seemed to be used to him not talking, and walked to Ji Hao's side carelessly.

Pushing him with the shoulder, he whispered, "Shall we go out?"

Ji Hao was wearing a leather jacket and a peaked cap, and drank the cocktail in his glass.

"Brother Huai, let's go."

"Talk to sister-in-law well, sister-in-law should not be unreasonable."

He put down his glass and walked out.

Soon, Sheng Huai was the only one left in the room.

The wine bottles on the table were empty one after another.

He didn't seem to be drunk, his fair skin was still cold under the erosive and dizzying light, as if there was no warmth in it.

The slender and distinct hands are holding the thin handle of the cup.

His eyelashes are drooping, the shadows are light, and the color of his eyes is unclear.

The silence was too much.

10 minutes later,
Yun Si appeared at the door of the bar in a loose sweater, trousers and hat.

Asked the location of the room to the bar attendant, the waiter took a look and quickly led her upstairs.

(End of this chapter)

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