Chapter 1260 Can You (47)

In the distance, three men stood in front of the corridor on the second floor, looking at the woman in a white sweater who went upstairs.

The three wine bottles touched each other and took a sip each.

"Hopefully the two of them can get back together."

Ji Hao clicked his tongue and said.

"If we don't make up again, Sheng Huai is fine, and my stomach will definitely fail."

After drinking for a week, Iron Man couldn't take it anymore.

"Hey" He Qi sighed, "Ask what love is in this world, it's just like life and death."

"Brother Huai was smart all his life, why did he fall into the hands of a woman?"

"The point is, the woman doesn't seem to like him very much."

He has been sticking his hot face to his cold butt for so long, yet he is still determined, so why——

"Love is poison."

"You can play with it, but you must not touch it."

He touched Ji Hao's wine bottle and continued to drink.

Yun Si was led by the waiter to the box.

As soon as the door was opened, the overwhelming smell of alcohol came, and the music blared deafeningly.

It was so shocking that the ground was trembling, and the lights inside were so dazzling that people couldn't keep their eyes open.

"." Yun Si raised her hand to block the light, and walked in.

It was easy to see the person on the sofa.

Sitting there, with long and thick eyelashes hanging down, she was quiet and her lips were bright red.

Under the erosive and dazzling light, her fair skin was deserted, as if there was no warmth at all.

When the gentle and elegant eyebrows and eyes in the past were lowered, there was a strong and inexplicable sense of depression and depression.

It was as if that pure and elegant bookish spirit was torn apart and trampled underfoot.

This appearance is the real him, cold, gloomy, without the temperature of a normal person.

Yun Si stood there and watched him for several minutes.

Finally, with a low sigh, she walked over and helped him up.

"Let's go, I'll take you home."

He lowered his phoenix eyes and was very quiet.

Being pulled up, his steps were a little unsteady, and he staggered a bit.

Yun Si quickly hugged him.

"Can you go?"

She looked at him helplessly.

His eyelashes drooped, the tails of his eyes were slightly drawn, trembling slightly, silent.

Instead, he nodded slightly.

He is still very gentle, even in the cold war, he is like a big obedient sheep, which makes people completely irritated.

Yun Si's heart softened, she hugged his waist with one hand, and supported him to walk.

I couldn't help but say in a low voice: "If you can't drink so much, you still drink, and I'm not afraid of drinking you to death."

He pursed his lips silently and leaned against her quietly.

There is a silent obedience.

All the way was safe and sound, Yun Si drove him back to the villa.

He sat in the passenger seat and kept silent. The smell of alcohol on his body filled the whole car.

Yun Si didn't say anything, and drove the car into the parking space of the villa, and then helped him into the house.

The two were supposed to be having a cold war, but she still squatted down, helped him change his shoes, and then helped him upstairs to take a shower.

The man smelled of alcohol, but there was no trace of blush on his face.

On the contrary, when he was taking a bath, he quietly leaned on her shoulder, stretched out his hand, and slowly hugged her.

On his cold white face, there was a light red that was steamed by the heat.

Faint, kind of amazingly beautiful.

Yun Si didn't say a word, she helped him take a bath, then supported him, and lay on the bed.

He closed his eyes and seemed to be asleep.

Yun Si covered him with a quilt, but he also remained motionless and did not respond.

She stood by the bed and looked at him quietly, without speaking for a long time.

long silence.

(End of this chapter)

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