Chapter 1261 Can You (48)

Entering the room was dark and returned to silence.

Yun Si changed into her pajamas, went to bed from the other side, lay down, and closed her eyes.

In the room, there seemed to be only the sound of shallow breathing, and it was unknown whether it was his or hers.

Yun Si turned her back to him, far away.

With the quilt covering her waist, she closed her eyes, brewing sleepiness.

Not long after, she felt him turn over.

facing her.

Then, he hugged her.

Like a big cuddly dog, it clings to her body.

Tightly, with some force.

"." Yun Si closed her eyes and said nothing.

His body temperature came through the thin clothes, it was cold, not as warm as before.

But after getting close to her, his body quickly warmed up.

Grab her hand slowly, clasping fingers tightly.

He was kissing her cheek gently, bit by bit, with a bit of careful fawning.

Yun Si frowned.

His warm kiss fell like a feather, very light.

The rough and hot breath sprayed on her face, little by little, he slowly turned her body over and kissed the corner of her lips.

It seemed to be testing her bottom line step by step.

Yun Si opened her eyes and looked at him calmly.

He seemed to know that she was not asleep at all, so he didn't relax at all.

Biting the ground slowly, there is still a faint taste of wine on the tip of the tongue.

Gradually deepening, pressing her down, the movements became more and more presumptuous.

Yun Si finally frowned and turned away.

Pursing her moist lips, she said, "How about a divorce?"

"I don't think we're a good fit."

Her tone was calm and distant, with a businesslike feel to it.

The man who was pressing her down gave a pause.

The sound of heavy breathing disappeared in an instant, and she remained still, her fingertips intertwined with her fingers froze.

Trembling slightly, it seemed that there was a flash of loss of control.

The long silence made time seem to stand still in the girl's calm words.

She pushed him away, calm and about to get out of bed.

But in the next second, her wrist was held.

The cold hands held her tightly, like a drowning person holding on to a life-saving straw, steadfastly holding onto her.

He hugged her from behind, the temperature of his breath was frighteningly cold.

Panting lowly, trembling lowly, her lips pressed against her ear.

"No, stay."

"Appropriate, we are appropriate."

He grabbed her hand again and clasped his fingers tightly.

As if she felt like this, she would not leave.

He pursed his lips, and something seemed to be broken in his eyes.

The slender and thick eyelashes drooped low, and the tails of the pupils were glowing with a faint burning red.

Hugging her tightly, her lips trembled slightly: "I'll tell you. I'll tell you everything"

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have lied to you."

"Don't be angry, I will answer whatever you ask in the future, okay?"

Yun Si calmly looked forward.

Without her response, he seemed to lose control of his emotions.

Like a child who is about to be robbed of her most beloved doll, the tails of her eyes are slightly red, and she hugs her tightly, not letting go no matter what.

Eyelashes wet, he grabbed her hand and kept kissing her lips.

Trembling, constantly apologizing.

"It's my fault. It's all my fault for not being honest. I. I. You can punish me however you want. I'll change it. I'll really change it. Forgive me once, okay?"

"I don't dare anymore, I really don't dare—"

He was a little incoherent and choked up several times.

(End of this chapter)

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