Chapter 1263 Can You (50)

It was already late at night, and it was time to fall asleep.

But he is like a wild beast that has escaped from the cage, holding on to his baby tightly, lingering to death.

In the past, she said that she liked gentle people, so he has been patient in matters of husband and wife.

Endure it, don't want to scare her.

Now tonight, his disguised skin can finally be torn off.

Unscrupulous, wantonly crazy.

Everything is because of her words.

She said——she liked him, no matter what he became, she only liked him.

These words are like undoing the shackles of the caged beast and releasing it without hesitation.

Yun Si struggled twice, but in the end, in exchange for stronger suppression.

It is fierce and ruthless, how can it look like a big sheep?
Yun Si: "."

Shouldn't she have said those things?

As it turned out, she really shouldn't have said it.

From that day on, Sheng Huai seemed to be a different person, with a terribly possessive desire.

As long as she was out of his sight, he would call every once in a while, no matter if she was busy or not.

If Yunsi didn't answer, he would call crazily, crazily, until she answered.

Once she had a meeting without her mobile phone, but when she came back from the meeting, she saw him standing there with a gloomy face, holding her mobile phone and blatantly flipping through it.

Like a jealous husband who came to catch an adulterer, his face was too terrifying.

Yun Si had no choice but to put down what she was doing to coax him.

But he didn't want to, this aggravated his temper even more.

Like a fierce beast that is extremely prone to anger, without the shackles, it is extremely sensitive.

Sensitive yet extremely uncertain, she always needs to repeat those words over and over again to calm him down.

Yun Si didn't know why he was so worried about gains and losses, he seemed to have a strong sense of inferiority complex.

Obviously, there should be an equal relationship between them.

After returning home from get off work, Yun Si sat in Sheng Huai's car, holding his hand, and the two of them sat in the back together.

Sheng Huai leaned on her shoulder, closed his eyes, and seemed to be asleep.

A light shadow fell on the warm and white face, calm and peaceful.

When he fell asleep, he lost his usual gloom and hostility.

It seems that it has regained the appearance of a warm and soft big sheep, with long and thick eyelashes drooping, and a faint color on the lips.

It's very pleasing to the eye, and people can't get angry with him at all.

Yun Si raised her hand, gently brushed the broken hair on his forehead, held his hand, and then quietly looked out the window.

Outside the window, without accident, I saw the person squatting next to the flower bed again.

With a lonely back, holding a bouquet of wilting roses.

Waiting there, waiting for her car to appear as always, and then, like an annoying fly, swarming up every time, no matter how hard you chase it, you can't drive it away.

It's just... annoying.

Yun Si's eyes were flat, and she watched quietly for a while.

It wasn't until the red light at the intersection turned green and the car started that she looked away expressionlessly.

He lowered his head and looked at a man who was as sticky as a dog skin plaster.

Just when she was about to raise her hand to touch his head, she paused suddenly, and then realized——

His eyes did not know when they opened.

Under the long and thick eyelashes, the dark and deep phoenix eyes looked at the direction she was looking at just now without emotion.

Not a word, eerily quiet.

He looked at the person squatting beside the flower bed with treacherous eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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