Chapter 1264 Can You (51)

Yun Sixu froze with her fingertips in mid-air.

The first thought that popped into my mind was——


According to his current crazy appearance, if he found out that the man had appeared naked in front of her and was sent to her bed as a gift, would he...
Kill her?
Most likely will.

The little goblin, who was very knowledgeable about current affairs, immediately wanted to say something.


He slowly closed his eyes without moving.

He just hugged her tightly, breathing heavily, and buried his whole face in the crook of her neck.

Excessively quiet, no sign at all.


Not only did it not make her feel at ease, but she felt even more anxious.

I always feel that he will not let it go so easily, and will still have a back trick.

Yun Si opened her mouth, but stopped talking.

I want to explain first, but I am afraid that I will not call myself.

In case he didn't notice the man with the rose at all and she brought it up herself first
That is to say, stealing chickens is not enough to lose money, but to make trouble for yourself.

She was silent for a while, and finally did not speak.

Holding his hand tightly, she bowed her head and kissed him.

The man closed his eyes and did not move.

the next day.

Cang Ming stood by the flower bed as always, watching the time and waiting.

At [-]:[-], Yun Si's black car slowly pulled out of the traffic flow and drove directly to the underground parking lot without passing the company's front door.

When Cang Ming saw the car, he immediately stood up.

He ran over familiarly, chased the rear of the car, and chased him into the parking lot.

The black car stopped in the parking space.

Soon, Cang Ming ran to the front of the car, hugged the bouquet of roses, looked at the woman with gorgeous red lips out of breath, and unbuckled the seat belt.

After getting out of the car, a woman with big curly hair and black stiletto heels appeared in his sight.

Incomparably beautiful, amazing, charming peach blossom eyes are black and clear, like a fox, and she looked over lightly.

He buttoned his sleeves, taking his time.

Cang Ming hugged the rose and walked over.

Looking at her, her delicate face was reddish, as sincere as a little white rabbit.

"Good morning, miss."

"Today's weather is fine, I hope you can also feel happy."

"If possible, please allow me to see you at night, I will not disturb you, I just."

"I want to see you every day."

He lowered his head slightly, his ears were blushing, shy and nervous.

The bouquet of roses was also handed over.

The woman's eyes drooped, and she lightly looked at the withered bouquet of roses.

She didn't speak, but stood there, her slender, white fingers were crystal clear and pink, and she seemed to be smiling, with unknown emotions.

The dark and clear eyes, with the tails of the eyes slightly raised, seem to reveal a bit of stunning clarity amidst the charming charm.

The elegance is peerless, and the beauty is unparalleled.

She parted her red lips slightly, and muttered, "Want to see me every day?"

She looked at him, with a slight smile on her lips, and her eyes were moving.

Cang Ming was taken aback.

For no reason, my heart skipped a beat.

Raising his eyes to meet her eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, his whole body was beautiful and clear, as proud as a pine tree.

The demonic aura is faint, intertwined with the strong breath of the gods.

Gorgeous face, Shengxue's pure white.

Holding a smile, the snow-colored fingertips are like the bright moonlight, peerless elegance.

It doesn't look like a demon, but it does.

Cang Ming tightened his grip on the bouquet.

She lowered her eyelashes, restraining the faint purple that was slowly appearing in her eyes.

Laughing lightly, the voice is gentle and weird.

"Things that don't make sense. How should I deal with them?"

This is really a vexing problem.

(End of this chapter)

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