Chapter 1276 Overgrown (6)

Liu Wuhui and Liang Yuer both know Chikley to a certain extent, so they are responsible for explaining the matters that should be paid attention to after going to the island.

Including when to put on protective clothing, what items should be carried on the body when landing on the island, how to change after entering the laboratory...etc.

In order to prevent accidents from happening, Liu Wuhui spoke very carefully.

He said: "After landing on the island, I hope everyone will not be scattered, and the team must go together."

"We just need to dock on the west side and follow the previously planned route. After entering the laboratory, we first check the power supply equipment of the laboratory. If the power supply equipment is acceptable, we can directly swipe the card to enter, and quickly get the things. Walk."

"During this process, everyone must not try to touch any part of the laboratory, let alone enter the germ room by mistake."

"If you are in danger, don't panic and run around. Otherwise, if you are alone, you will easily get lost in the laboratory and get trapped inside. Do you remember?"

"...Okay, don't talk nonsense." Lin Zigang became a little impatient when he heard it.

"It's definitely dangerous to go there. It's enough for each of you to take care of yourself. Where is there so much nonsense?"

Li Zongze nodded.

"This mission is very dangerous. I hope everyone will be careful when they go to the island and bring everything they need."

"As for you," he looked at Song Dewen, "come to me tomorrow morning to get the protective clothing, and then put everything on the protective clothing."

Song Dewen stood up quickly: "Okay, thank you Brother Li."

The long meeting is finally over.

Lin Zigang couldn't sit still, and left as soon as the meeting was over.

Song Dewen and Li Zongze left, as if they were going to see the protective clothing.

Liu Wuhui wanted to go back to catch up on knowledge, so he also left with the book.

Liang Yu'er and Yun Si were left.

The two women looked at each other, but did not show any hostility.

Liang Yu'er nodded to her, and said, "Tomorrow, you still don't want to wear skirts. There has been no one on the island for several years. There must be a lot of vegetation and overgrown weeds. It must be inconvenient to wear skirts."

Yun Si held her face, curled her lips, and said in a loose voice, "Thank you for reminding me."

She didn't speak any more, stood up and left.

After walking two steps, she suddenly thought of something and turned around.

"You and Liu Wuhui came together, he doesn't want a bonus, and neither do you?"

Yun Si raised her eyebrows and asked, "Why not?"

Liang Yu'er had no expression on her face.

"The distribution of bonuses is based on the contribution of the team. Brother Li is the captain, so he should get more points."

"As for you, if you still look like this and do nothing, then the bonus will be correspondingly less, or only a little bit, understand?"

Yun Si pursed her lips: "Understood."

Only then did Liang Yu'er turn around and leave, leaving behind the last person in the dining room.





Sure enough, the sea route to Chakli Island was quite smooth.

At six o'clock in the morning of the second day, the sun had just emerged, and the group of people saw a small dot on the horizon.

As the sailboat slowly moved in, that small point gradually became larger within the field of vision.

Getting bigger and bigger, until it's close at hand.

Everyone stood on the deck, looking at the legendary forbidden island.

At seven o'clock in the morning, the forbidden island seemed to be still asleep.

It was a gray area above, and there were trees and thorns everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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