Chapter 1277 Overgrown (7)

The dark green hue seemed to envelope the entire island.

The sun rose from the sea level, shining brilliantly.

When the warm light shone on the island, it dispelled the slight chill.

But it is too quiet here, even if you look at it from a distance, you can feel it.

It gives people a sense of fear that cannot be explained clearly.

Fear of the unknown.

Li Zongze stood at the front, watching with a telescope.

The camera scanned from the highest point of the island to the lowest point, and looked at everything that could be seen.

Lin Zigang was carrying a big bag on his body, and he was also watching with a special telescope.

Looking around, he couldn't help frowning.

"Why is it so quiet here?"

It was so quiet, as if the entire island was cut off from the outside world, there was no sound at all.

Even the seagulls, which were most fond of looking for food in the early morning, disappeared, and only the rolling sound of the waves could be heard.

The sails slowly approached the shore, Li Zongze put down the binoculars and began to drop anchor.

The heavy anchor quickly fell into the sea, holding the ship in place.

A group of people looked at each other, but did not speak.

Even Lin Zigang, who was the most impatient before, stood there with a telescope this time, without moving.

Inexplicably, no one disembarked.

Li Zongze looked at everyone, and then at the time on his watch.

He was the first to jump off the boat and stand on the sand.

With a bag on his back, he gestured to the people on board.

"It's [-]:[-], let's go."

The people on the boat got off one by one.




On the boat, Yun Si changed into a pair of sweatpants, and she didn't bring anything on her body except a sharp knife in her trouser pocket.

She tied up her neat ponytail, stood at the bow of the boat, squinted slightly, looking at the island.

Quiet, didn't say anything, and didn't know what he was thinking.

"...Senior sister, what's wrong with you?"

Liu Wuhui, who got off the boat, looked at her and asked.

The woman put her white hand on the railing of the boat, and tapped her fingertips.

Looking past this overly dead island, he said, "Here..."

"A little quiet."

"..." Lin Zigang was a little impatient, "Hurry up! So much nonsense!"

Yun Si looked at the towering hill and was silent for a while.

Then she jumped off the boat.

The movements are neat, just like a dexterous cat.

Li Zongze stood at the front, holding a map.

Liu Wuhui approached Yunsi, and asked in a low voice: "Senior sister, is there something wrong?"

Yun Si glanced at him and remained calm.



She seemed to smell a faintly familiar scent.

Very faint, as if floating from far away.

She pondered, while following the team ahead.

A group of six people appeared on the beach brightly.




Soon, Li Zongze found the way to the laboratory shown on the map.

A group of six people stopped on the small road and looked at each other.

Because no one has been here for a long time, the island has long been deserted.

The small road that was originally opened here has already been overgrown with thorns, completely blocking the road.

Dark green vines and weeds grow randomly, and the trees are even more crooked, with strange shapes.

The original road is no longer visible.

If it wasn't for the crooked entrance sign lying crookedly next to it, they really wouldn't be able to find this way.

(End of this chapter)

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