Chapter 1278 Overgrown (8)

Li Zongze took out a knife from his bag.

"Come on, let's cut these all together."

"and many more."

Yun Si at the back of the line made a sound.

People turn back.

"what happened?"

Just look at Yun Si pointing in that direction.

"Then, isn't there a way?"

Li Zongze was taken aback, and immediately looked over.

……It really is.

Not far from this sign, there is an obvious path.

The path is paved with cobblestones and looks similar to the buildings in the park.

It's just that because of the long history, grass has grown on it, and the ground is covered with rotten fallen leaves.

But fortunately, the road can still be seen clearly, and you can walk reluctantly.

So they walked over quickly.

After briefly comparing the map, Li Zongze said: "It should be that the sign was blown there by the wind, so it misled us."

Liang Yu'er had sharp eyes, as if she saw something, she picked up something from the grass.

An iron signboard has rusted due to its age.

She saw the words on it, and then looked at everyone again.

As soon as he threw the iron sign, he threw it outside.

On it, bloody words are impressively displayed——

Those who enter will die.

For a long time, the iron has already rusted out of shape.

Only the bright red self on it, stroke by stroke, bright in color, as if it was just written yesterday.

Song Dewen, who was a little timid, was startled when he saw the words on it.

He unconsciously leaned against Liu Wuhui's back.

"This this……"

He grabbed Liu Wuhui's arm.

Lin Zi just kicked the sign, with a straw in his mouth, he said, "That's it?"

"Is it someone's prank? Just throw it away, don't care."

Li Zongze nodded.

"Don't panic, everyone, just follow the plan."

As he spoke, he led the way ahead.

Liang Yuer followed closely behind.

Just as Lin Zi followed, he didn't forget to kick the sign farther away.

Liu Wuhui followed, and Song Dewen stood next to him, looking left and right.

Yun Si stood behind the mat, wearing a cotton T-shirt and sweatpants with pockets in, staring at the sign for a while.

Probably sensing something, she suddenly raised her head and looked at the thorns and weeds just now.

There was something weird flashing in those beautiful eyes.

It was quiet there, and there was obviously no sound.

But I don't know if it's her illusion, she always feels...

Someone is watching her.

Makes you feel a chill down your back.

Yun Si looked at it for a while, squinted her eyes, but found nothing unusual.

In the end, she followed the team unhurriedly, and followed at the end.

Go all the way in the direction indicated by the map.

The way forward.





According to the map: Chekley Laboratory is in the very center of Chekley Island, that is, in a flat valley.

The Chekley Laboratory is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and there is only the entrance to the hall on the surface.

Going down from the entrance, you will directly enter the ground, layer by layer, deep into the surface.

A group of six people walked non-stop along the road indicated by the map.

There are more and more obstacles on the path, and the roadblocks are becoming more and more complicated.

There are twisted trees everywhere, weeds taller than people, and thorns and vines messier than balls of wool.

Just like this, it traversed the entire island, blocking their way, almost making it impossible for them to move.

The six people took turns to clean up the weeds, but in the end, because there were too many obstacles blocking the way, it was impossible to finish cutting.

(End of this chapter)

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