Chapter 1286 Overgrown (16)

Drops of blood dripped and landed on the thorns on the ground.

"..." Yun Si frowned slightly, and let go of the dark green vine.

He glanced at his own hand that was pierced with bleeding holes, and then looked at the front that alternated vertically and horizontally.

Probably thinking about whether to go on or go back.

After all, it has been delayed for so long, it is not good for her to leave the team without permission.

Yun Si thought about it in silence, then turned around.

Looking up, the blood skeleton who had been standing behind her just now disappeared again at some point.

All that remains is a pool of blood on the ground, and the messy road when we came.

"..." She blinked and looked around again.

The weird skeleton is gone, and I don't know where it disappeared.

She paused, took the flashlight, and walked back calmly.

Step by step, pick up firewood by the way.

Her figure disappeared quickly, and even with the bright light, it disappeared into the tall weeds.

Here, dead silence returns.

The dead silence like a ghost tomb.

In the deep dark night, under the faint moonlight on the horizon.

The vine that Cai Yunsi touched just now seemed to shake slightly.

And the blood stains that remained on it slowly disappeared as if they had been absorbed at some point.

The sharp barbs still retain their sharpness, and the skeleton that disappeared is now lying on the ground in the dark like garbage.

Not moving, lifeless.

The vines move slowly.





Yun Si returned to the place where the team stopped just now.

The tent has been set up, but for some reason, it is quiet inside and there is no light.

Yun Si put down the firewood and kicked the tent.

"Hello, aren't you here?"

The tent moved.

In an instant, the zipper inside the tent was unzipped.

The flashlight inside shone out.

"Yunsi! Are you okay?!"

"Senior Sister! Senior Sister, you are finally back!"

"Is there nothing out there? Did you see anything strange when you came back?"

"..." Yun Si looked around, "Something strange? For example?"

Liu Wuhui crawled out of the tent.

"I... just now, we encountered something strange!"

Several people inside also came out of the tent one after another, all holding knives in their hands, looking very alert.

Li Zongze walked around the tent.

Nothing, not even a footprint.

Liang Yu'er withdrew the knife and walked up to Yun Si.

Seeing that her body was intact, she patted her on the shoulder and said, "We may have really bumped into a ghost just now."

Liu Wuhui nodded frantically.

"Senior Sister, you don't even know how scary it was just now. A group of skeletons circled around our tent, even came in and bit our tent. Just now—we really didn't dare to say a word just now."

Lin Zigang sat in front of the tent with his hands on his lap, as if he had just come back to life.

He muttered to himself: "Damn it, there are really ghosts in this world...there really are ghosts that appear..."

Li Zongze came over.

"Everyone, don't panic. It's not clear what's going on now. There's no such thing as ghosts or ghosts. It's estimated that someone falsified us to scare us."

Liu Wuhui said in a low voice, "Aside from us, where else are there living people here?"

"Back then, so many people from the army came to look for them, and all of them disappeared without exception. We came all the way just now, and there were also soldiers' bones. It looked like there had been no one for many years."

(End of this chapter)

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