Chapter 1287 Overgrown (17)

After all, Li Zongze has seen the big world, squatted down, got firewood, and kept calm.

"Whether there are people or not, in short, there can be no ghosts in this world."

"What's more, this is a former laboratory base, a place where science is taught, how could there be ghosts?"

This is obviously illogical.

Liu Wuhui was silent, and couldn't help but said: "Actually...according to this logic, this is not only a laboratory base, but also a cemetery for thousands of dead people."

Including all the missing experimenters, as well as the batch after batch of soldiers and search teams who went ashore.

All of these people have lost contact here, and have lost contact for many years.

Judging from the many bones they saw before, it is actually not difficult to guess... those who lost contact should have all returned to ashes and ashes to ashes.

Let alone living people on this island, they didn't even see a single living thing except mosquitoes, which was really scary.

"..." Li Zongze looked at him.

"Aren't you engaged in scientific research? How can you still believe in this kind of illusory metaphysics?"

Shouldn't scientists believe in science more and oppose ghost stories?
Liu Wuhui shook his head holding the book that never left him.

"I believe in science, but many things in this world cannot be explained by science, so I also believe in some supernatural stories."

Especially, when he saw it with his own eyes, he couldn't believe it.

Liang Yu'er looked at Yun Si.

"You went to collect firewood just now, did you find anything wrong?"

"..." Yun Si thought of the skeleton in a suit and leather shoes.

It was scary to follow her silently like this.

She honestly said: "I encountered exactly the same situation as you."

While speaking, everyone looked over.

Yun Si continued: "I went to collect firewood, and I wanted to take a look at the nearby terrain, but as I was walking, I saw a skeleton standing there in front of me."

"Stand there?!"

Song Dewen, who had just woken up, fell over and almost lost control of himself.

Li Zongze also looked at her with a bit of shock in his eyes.

Yun Si nodded.

"Just standing there, wearing a very clean suit, with a piece of paper pasted on his chest, which says..."

"Trespasser, die."

"..." There was a heavy silence on the field.

No one spoke, even Lin Zigang, who was the most courageous, remained silent. Listening, he slowly picked up the knife again.

Showing a state of tense vigilance.

"Then, did that skeleton attack you?"

Liang Yu'er was the first to speak out calmly.

Yun Si spread her hands: "That's not true, I looked at it, and it's not standing there, but a wooden stick supporting it."

"You all know the scarecrow, it looks like a scarecrow."

"I didn't take it seriously, bypassed it and moved on."

"As a result, I took two steps. I looked back and found that it was standing behind me. It changed direction and turned to face me."

"..." The more I said it, the more terrifying it became.

Li Zongze stood up and put down the firewood.

"Are you sure you didn't cheat?"

Liang Yu'er was also a little suspicious.

I didn't think much about it before, but what she said was too outrageous, which made her suspicious.

"Did you make up these words? You did what we encountered just now, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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