Chapter 1288 Overgrown (18)

"What is your purpose, to want us to retreat, so that you can get [-] million?"

"..." Yun Si twitched the corners of her mouth and fell silent for a while.

"I didn't lie to you, believe it or not."

But Lin Zigang also reacted, his face darkened.

"Sister Yu'er is right, it is very likely that you were scaring us just now."

"Otherwise, why did those skeletons appear when you were not there just now, but why did they disappear as soon as you came back?"

She wasn't there, so she could do these pretentious things.

Such an outrageous answer, only the hell will anyone believe it.

Yun Si became the object of suspicion for no reason.

"..." Her eyelids twitched slightly.

"I encountered the same situation as you, and I also saw skeletons."

"You made those up, right? Do you really think we will believe it?"

Yun Si: "..."

Liu Wuhui hugged the book and hurriedly smoothed things over, "No, no, everyone, calm down, my senior sister can't do this, she is with me, and it has nothing to do with your mission."

The atmosphere in the air was a little dignified.

But Lin Zigang sneered: "Knowing people and faces but not heart, who knows what's on her mind?"

"Also, if you put it this way, since you and her are in the same group, can it be considered that you are playing tricks with her and intend to scare us?"

"I—" Liu Wuhui became anxious all of a sudden, "I didn't lie to you! I really didn't lie to you!"

He quickly looked at Li Zongze, "Li...Brother Li, everything I said is true, I have never lied to you!"

"Sister Yu'er, also know that I am not good at lying, I——"

He looked at Song Dewen and Lin Zigang again.

"I'm not lying, I've always said that I don't want bonuses, why do you—"

"Us? What happened to us?"

Lin Zigang still felt that things were not messy enough, and he was angry, "That's a bonus of [-] million, who wouldn't want it?"

"If you say you don't want it, the devil will believe it!"

"You might be the one who lied to us about all the things before, and deliberately made up those weird and ghostly stories to scare us."

"What kind of EX-level mission? You said these nonsense, and then asked your senior sister to find a skull outside to frighten us, so that we can quit. The two of you stole the bonus for yourself."

"Liu Wuhui, you are really good enough, together with Yunsi, you play us around, do you really think we are fools?"

"..." Yun Si crossed her arms and leaned against a nearby tree.

He lowered his head, snorted, and said lightly, "Mr. Lin, what kind of thing are you?"

"Say we want to take the prize money for ourselves? Don't you want to?"

"If you're really so righteous and not guilty, would you like to show everyone what's in your bag?"

As soon as the words fell, everyone's eyes turned to him.

Liang Yu'er fixed her gaze on his big backpack that was bulging with stuff.

He carried it all day, except for water and some small food, he never took out anything else.

I don't even know what's inside.

It is indeed suspicious.

"..." Lin Zigang's domineering expression changed, and he immediately covered his backpack and shouted, "What's none of your business?!"

"This is something I brought myself. It's my privacy. Why should I show it to you, a bitch?!"

He became a little exasperated.

(End of this chapter)

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