Chapter 1289 Overgrown (19)

In this way, it is even more suspicious.

Li Zongze did not speak, but took out his backpack from the tent.

Open it and dump all the contents on the ground.

Scanning everyone around, he said: "Since there is a phenomenon of mutual distrust in the team, it is better to open up and talk about it."

"These are all the things I brought, and they are all necessary things. You should have them. Although I want to take the bonus for myself, I will not play tricks."

As he spoke, he looked at Liang Yu'er.

The captain has already done this, so why not the vice-captain?
Liang Yu'er didn't say much, she also took out her own backpack and dumped it on the ground.

Wow, there are all kinds of small knives and utensils.

"These are all mine."

She spoke concisely, and then looked at Song Dewen.

Song Dewen hurriedly climbed into the tent, and then took out his backpack.

Show you what's inside.

In order to dispel everyone's doubts about him, Liu Wuhui also directly opened his bag frankly.

By the way, he even flipped through his precious books and shook them, for fear that everyone would suspect that he was hiding something in them.

As for Yun Si who was leaning against the tree, her hands were empty.

He took a look into his trouser pocket, and the trouser pocket was clean, except for a military Swiss steel knife.

She was the one who felt the most relaxed all over, and even put the water cup in Liu Wuhui's bag.

Everyone turned their eyes to Lin Zigang.

Now, he is left without showing his bag to everyone.

"..." Lin Zigang gritted his teeth.

"What? Didn't you yell loudly just now?"

Yun Si put her pocket in her pocket and leaned against the tree, imitating his eccentric emphasis just now.

Liu Wuhui is a good guy who likes to smooth things over on weekdays.

But now, he didn't say anything, just stared at Lin Zigang like this.

Obviously also wanted to see what was hidden in his bag.

But Lin Zigang didn't speak, and grabbed his bag, as if he didn't want to show it.

Yun Si twitched the corners of her lips and lowered her eyes.

Slowly kicked the gravel on the ground.

As soon as she moved her foot, she suddenly realized that her ankle was bound by a vine.

The thin and soft vines entangled her at some point.

It just went round and round in such a silent manner that she didn't notice it at all.

Yun Si paused, and moved the bound foot again.

The tiny and slender vines, as if consciously, slipped into her trouser pocket in the dark again, entangled with her fingers.

Gentle and gentle, but did not show any aggressiveness.

The tip of Yun Si's nose moved slightly.

She glanced at the few people who were still in a stalemate, and then slowly stretched out her hand from her trouser pocket.

The gentle and soft vine filaments wrapped around her entire hand at once, and there was a faint tendency to spread to her arms.

"..." Yun Si was silent for a while.

The vine silk stretched out from nowhere, wrapped around her hand, and stretched into the darkness.

In the distance, there is still silence that can't be seen.

As she watched, her fingertips shrunk.

Silently, he grabbed the thin vine.




In the end, Lin Zigang didn't show his backpack to everyone, but crawled back to the tent cursingly, sleeping with his head covered, pretending to cover his ears and steal the bell.

Probably to prevent other people from stealing his bag, even when he was sleeping, he hugged his bag tightly, being very vigilant, and would wake up when he touched it.

(End of this chapter)

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