Chapter 1290 Overgrown (20)

The others didn't speak, but they were visibly wary of Lin Zigang.

Although what Yun Si said was suspicious, at least she didn't have any lethal weapons on her body.

Whether they should be more wary of a woman or a muscular man, they can tell clearly.

That night, everyone lay in a tent with their own thoughts.

Yun Si slept on the innermost side, next to the tent cloth.

Next to her was Liang Yu'er, who did not move after lying down, and did not know if she had fallen asleep.

Yun Si closed her eyes, thinking about what happened to the little vine just now.

After thinking for a long time, I thought of the task that the teacher mentioned to her before.

As for the skull...

She slowly opened her eyes, thoughtfully.





Day two.

At six o'clock in the morning, just before dawn, everyone got up.

After eating something simple, I packed my luggage neatly and continued on the road.

Yun Si still dressed lightly for battle, only carrying a knife in her trouser pocket, and walked behind the team.

The location where they started was not far from the laboratory. According to yesterday, they should be able to arrive at the laboratory platform before noon.

Lin Zigang was isolated by everyone in a disguised form because of what happened yesterday.

Even the good-tempered Liu Wuhui didn't pay much attention to him, but walked with Song Dewen.

Lin Zigang was also thick-skinned, and he didn't feel uncomfortable at all.

Just like this, he walked all the way, followed the team, and walked ahead.

Yun Si walked behind, her eyes skipping over the bones one after another on the ground.

As the laboratory got closer, the number of bones increased, almost becoming a large mass grave.

In the end, several people were forced to walk on those bones.

I stumbled, afraid that I would fall and hit the bones on the ground.

Yun Si walked last, and once again saw a piece of paper that appeared on the tree at an unknown time.

The piece of paper fluttered in the wind, and the big bloody characters on it were still dripping with blood.

It was still warning them not to break in, otherwise - they would die.

Counting the previous ones, this is the third warning Yun Si has seen.

The people walking in front didn't seem to see it, but this sentence seemed to be addressed to her.

Yun Si stopped for a while, and stared there for a while.

After a moment of silence, she took out the knife from her trouser pocket, walked to the edge of the tree, and drew words on it with the knife.

She looked at the falling words, and the knife in her hand fell down.

Looking around, she could feel the faint breath in the air.

It seemed that it was by her side.

Yun Si raised her head and glanced at the twisted tree.

From the treetops, a few dark green vines hung down, like a group of entwined cold poisonous snakes, spitting snake letters, and fell on top of her head.

Yun Si felt the soft little vine hooking her fingers again.

Like that strange and silent Ye Zhuqing, bit by bit, wrapped around her fingers and climbed up her arm.

It feels cold to the touch and seems to have tiny fluff.

It just sticks to her skin like this, and there seems to be a tendency to go further.

Yun Si bowed her head.

Before he could react, he heard a scream not far away.

The grass rustled, as if something was being dragged vigorously.

A few more noises and exclamations were heard, and there was a lot of movement.

Yun Si raised her head suddenly.

In the next second, a piece of white paper fell from the tree trunk.

There are still blood dripping words on it.

Trespasser, die.

(End of this chapter)

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