Chapter 1291 Overgrown (21)

"..." Yun Si tore off the paper that suddenly appeared expressionlessly.

The fourth warning, she still ignored.

Looking around, she suddenly grabbed the thin silk vines wrapped around her wrist.

"Ying Sheng, your name is Ying Sheng, right?"

She seemed to be talking to the air.

The vine trembled slightly, but remained silent.

Even, at that moment, there was a tendency to twist away.

But Yun Si held on tightly, not letting the vines leave.

She looked up at the big vines on the tree that were almost as thick as a wrist, and said calmly:
"15 years ago, you participated in the RST project as the No. 1032 experimental subject. They grafted you and the vines together, and injected you with the newly developed unbusith fusion agent. You successfully combined with the publixu vines and have the ability to grow And the ability to control vines."

"Am I not wrong about these?"

It was very quiet.

No sound.

Even the noise just now was gone.

It was dead silent.

Yun Si let go of the thin vine.

"My name is Yunsi, and I'm a student of Professor Bruno at Duke Harlem University. The purpose of my visit this time is to bring you back."

This is her mission this time, even Liu Wuhui doesn't know it.

Yun Si looked at the thick, motionless vines hanging from the treetops, she paused, and continued:

"This is an isolated island. No one has been here for many years. I know that you occupy this place because you want to live alone, but..."

"The nutrient solution in the laboratory should not be enough, right?"

She looked straight at the vine.

"You need nutrient solution to survive, but the nutrient solution stored in the laboratory can only last ten years, you will not be able to sustain it soon, will you?"

Still no movement.

Excessively quiet.

Yun Si: "Come with me, I will take you to a safer place."

" don't want to enter the laboratory, and you don't want to be treated as a research experiment anymore, I promise you, I will protect you well."

She grabbed the thick vine and said seriously.

But, still no response.

Like a psychopath, she was talking to herself in the air.

"..." Yun Si tentatively tugged at the thick vine.

No response, looks like a normal vine.

She was silent for a moment.

...Well, it's good to be a little wary.

Otherwise, anyone could abduct him.

She let go of the vine, put her hands back in her pockets, and took a step back.

Looking at the words on the white paper, she pursed her lips and said, "No matter what, I will take you away."

If he doesn't want to...

Just knock it out and carry it away.

She thought so seriously in her heart.





When Yun Si kept up with the team, the six people turned into five people.

Lin Zigang disappeared.

There was still a large pool of bright red warm blood remaining on the ground.

Whose it is, you can tell at a glance.

Song Dewen's face was pale, his legs were so frightened that he couldn't even stand up.

Li Zongze and Liang Yu'er gasped for breath, stood there with solemn expressions, without saying a word.

Liu Wuhui hugged his precious book tightly, and pulled her sleeve carefully, his voice trembling.

"Master... Senior Sister, there really...something has mutated..."

All of them watched with their own eyes a huge vine lurking in the depths of the grass, like a giant python, and instantly poked a big bloody hole in Lin Zigang's chest.

There are extremely sharp barbs on the vine.

(End of this chapter)

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