Chapter 1294 Overgrown (24)

Yun Si walked into the entrance of the laboratory, and was greeted by an overly cold wind.

Inside is an empty hall, and the vines hang like this, drooping and shaking slightly.

It's like striped boa constrictors one after another, with sharp barbs that will pierce the skin when touched.

It's too dark, it's like a snake's nest, and the temperature is bitingly cold.

Yun Si saw the white paper hanging on the vine again.

This time, instead of bloody words, it was made up of leaves.

It says—

You should not have come.

"..." Yun Si's expression was calm.

Picked it up and looked at it, then put it down.

"I'll take you home."

She looked at the direction in which the vine spread out.

An iron door was tightly locked, and the doorknob was still tied with a chain.

Because of the age, the chain has been loosened, so the door is half open.

And all the vines outside obviously emerged from there.

She put away the white paper and put it in her trouser pocket.

Still bent over, gently moved the vines on the ground to reveal a small open space, and then stepped on it.

Bypassing those giant vines, she could feel the familiar atmosphere getting stronger and stronger.

So rich, as if he was by her side.

Yun Si came to the door that was still chained and looked around.

The lock on it was rusted, and the original color could no longer be seen clearly.

Yun Si pulled vigorously, and the fragile iron chain snapped with a clang.

Inside, the room is full of vines.

The vines thicker than her waist stretched across there, squeezing the space to nothing.

It was pitch black inside, as if not even air could get in, let alone people.

It is conceivable that the entire basement has been completely taken over by vines.

Their team, unless they burn all the messy vines.

Otherwise, it is impossible to get half a step in.

"..." Yun Si stared at the inside where there was not even a trace of space left, and then took another look at her figure.

It seems that it is more appropriate to think about how to get in.

Although she has a knife on her body, she can cut off the vines and open up a passage.

But she didn't want to do that.

After thinking for a while, she lowered her head and took out the things in her trouser pocket.

Taking off her shoes and socks, she stretched her muscles and bones barefoot.

Looking at the gap between the intertwined vines, she bent down and slipped her slender body in.

It was obviously a stupid way, but it was also the only way that would least harm the vines.

She squeezed in easily.

In the next second, the freezing temperature inside was overwhelming.

The air is also very thin.

Yun Si casually untied the ponytail, stepped on the vine thicker than her body, and slowly burrowed in.

The thick and powerful vines squeezed her, and the icy temperature stuck to her bare arms.

Bitter cold.

Yun Si seemed to be lying on the ice bed made of soft rattan. Although she was soft, her whole body was icy.

In addition, the air is very thin, and it is necessary to breathe desperately.

So she only crawled for a while, and her body felt severe exhaustion and weakness.

Panting slightly, she squinted her eyes, trying to take a closer look ahead.

It's a pity that there are vines entangled like hairballs everywhere, and the roots are messy, squeezed into this small space.

Yun Si was lying there, the vines above were squeezing her, and the vines below were also squeezing her.

360 degrees with no dead angles, a physical examination of what is called physiological oppression.

Panting for breath, she rested for a while.

Then, grab the vine ahead and keep climbing.

(End of this chapter)

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