Chapter 1295 Overgrown (25)

Outside the Checkley Lab.

Li Zongze and Liang Yuer finally arrived.

Behind him, there was no sign of Song Dewen.

When Liu Wuhui saw them, he immediately waved.

"Brother Li! Sister Yu'er! I'm here!!"

They walked quickly.

Soon, they also saw the scene outside the laboratory.

Simply spectacular.

They obviously came here, and their breath was a little unsteady.

Liu Wuhui looked behind them and asked, "Where is Song Dewen? Isn't he coming?"

Liang Yuer nodded with her bag on her shoulders.

"He gave up, so we put him back on the boat and waited."

Li Zongze looked at the giant vines that obscured the sky, and then at the laboratory.

There were too many vines, but he and Liang Yu'er probably came up with an idea after discussing it.

The two put down their bags and moved quickly.

Liu Wuhui looked at their posture, "Are you planning to burn them with fire?"

Liang Yu'er took out the lighter without looking up.

"Plants are afraid of fire, no matter what kind of plant it is."

"We can't beat it, but we can set it on fire. When it's all burnt out, it won't be too late for us to go in again."


Liu Wuhui wanted to say that he had clearly reminded them not to set fire.

Once set on fire, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Liang Yu'er knew what he wanted to say, stood up, held the burning torch, and said:
"There will always be a way to open the door of the laboratory, and this task will be entrusted to you."

"No matter what, get rid of this vine first, and talk about the rest later."

Li Zongze was fully armed and wearing protective clothing, and threw the dry firewood he picked up earlier on the vines all over the ground.

Just a fire, all these annoying things that block the way can be removed.

He and Liang Yu'er looked at each other, and then threw the torch on the firewood together.

In an instant, the firewood was lit.

A raging fire ignited.

The python-like vines hanging from the top of his head swept down with lightning speed in an instant.

With sharp barbed hooks and giant arms, it looks like an enraged evil spirit.

Liang Yu'er obviously came prepared, and quickly lit another torch.

The torch was ignited, and she hit the falling giant vine like a baseball——

"Clang--" a sound.

The torch cracked at the sound.

Hitting a stone with an egg is unstoppable.

The giant vine was completely enraged, carrying a monstrous anger.

The sharp barbed hooks on it became more and more terrifying, like small knives growing out.

Liang Yu'er secretly thought that it was not good, and immediately turned around with her agile skills.

But I didn't want to, the next second, vines came from all directions.

It can penetrate the heart of the human body almost instantly.

"..." Liu Wuhui ran to the side in a hurry with the book in his arms, curled up like a quail.

He didn't dare to move, and murmured tremblingly to himself: "Senior Sister...Senior Sister...Senior Sister, come back soon..."

"'s almost unbearable here..."

He held his head, shivering.






Yun Si suddenly had an itchy nose and couldn't help it, and sneezed in such a small space.

She didn't know the situation outside, and she didn't know how much she had come in.

The front and back are pitch-black, with no light, only the countless winding icy vines.

It also smelled like disinfectant.

Yun Si rubbed her nose and continued to crawl forward.

While struggling to climb, he said, "I know you don't believe me, and you don't want to follow me back, but..."

(End of this chapter)

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