Chapter 1299 Overgrown (29)

Pick up the things they didn't have time to take with them when they fled, and bring them back to the ship.

After going back and forth like this twice, he suddenly seemed to remember something, and stood up abruptly.

Standing on the deck, look at the injured Liang Yuer and Li Zongze, and Song Dewen who is helping.

Three people, plus him is four people.

Lin Zi just died, doesn't that mean...

His senior sister is still in the lab? !
With a sound of "啪啦——", the thing in Liu Wuhui's arms fell to the ground.

"Senior Sister...Senior Sister...Where is my Senior Sister?"

As soon as he pressed his head, he felt a severe pain in his head.

"Senior sister, my senior sister, have you seen it?"

He hurriedly asked Li Zongze.

"Did you see my senior sister come out of the laboratory just now?"

Liang Yu'er glanced at him, with a bandage in her mouth, knotting her arm.

"I didn't see it. Didn't you say she entered the laboratory?"

"..." Liu Wuhui sat down on the deck.

"Senior senior sister is still inside!"

He suddenly looked at the dense jungle surrounded by vines.

Get up, stand on the boat, look at the distant valley uneasily, walk back and forth.

"What to do...what to senior sister is alone..."

It was extremely dangerous for her to go in alone.

Now everyone has safely returned to the ship and can leave at any time, but his senior sister——

Liu Wuhui was so anxious that he even forgot his own book and didn't pay attention at all.

"What should I do? My senior sister is still inside, will the vine monster do anything to her?"

He looked at the two people who were sitting on the ground in a panic.

This is because the vine monster didn't kill them and let them go.

And his senior sister, now alone broke into the lair of the vine monster, wouldn't that be...

How bad is bad?

He grabbed the rail of the boat uneasily and murmured: "Shall we wait for Senior Sister?"

"Senior Sister will be back soon, I believe she will be back soon."

Li Zongze glanced at the island.

"Your senior sister, if you entered the laboratory alone, it should be possible to get that document."

Liu Wuhui was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't expect that he was still thinking about the mission.

He endured a little bit of displeasure, and said: "My senior sister didn't think much about the bounty mission at all, she accompanied me here."

"What's more, it's good that senior sister can come back safely now, it doesn't matter whether you get that document or not."

Li Zongze still did not give up.

He slowly stood up and said, "We'll wait here for three days. If Yun Si can come back safely, three days is enough time."

"...You—" Liu Wuhui blocked him all at once.

"In case the senior sister encounters any difficulties in the laboratory, it will take time to open many doors. Three days is simply impossible!"

"That's seven days."

Li Zongze limped and went down the cabin slowly.

He said: "Seven days is enough."

"We will set off in seven days. I hope your senior sister can return safely and smoothly."

"...Seven days won't—"

Liu Wuhui wanted to say more, but Song Dewen stopped him, trying to smooth things over.

"Things are already like this, we should think about ourselves."

"If we don't leave for a long time and offend the vine monster you mentioned again, then we may all be buried here."

Liu Wuhui glared at him, "Are you giving up now? Didn't you say that there is a sick daughter waiting to use the money?"

(End of this chapter)

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