Chapter 1300 Overgrown (30)

Song Dewen blushed all of a sudden.

"I'm in a hurry to use the money, but I have to take it back with my life!"

His life is gone, even if he got the document, what's the use?

Didn't they make wedding dresses for the people who came later?

He said: "Seven days is enough time. If your senior sister is really good, you will definitely be able to come back within this time."

"If you can't... then it can only mean..."

She was killed, just like that Lin Zigang.

He muttered.

Of course Liu Wuhui knew that the longer the time dragged on, the less chance his senior sister would have of surviving.


If the senior sister died here, how should he explain to the teacher?

Liu Wuhui felt that he was really useless, even so, he didn't dare to take the risk of going back.

I can only be anxious here.

Song Dewen comforted him: "Don't worry, I believe that auspicious people have their own heavens, and your senior sister will definitely return safely."

"Let's wait with peace of mind. Even if you want to go back to find your senior sister, you have to wait for Brother Li and the others to recover from their injuries."

Liu Wuhui didn't speak, but held his hands tightly together.

Looking at the island at noon, he stood there with a tense expression.


His senior sister can return safely.





Chekley Laboratories.

Yun Si stood there, looking at those dark green eyes that were dark and cold like giant pythons, and paused for a moment.

He was tall, thin and tall.

The skin is extremely white, like the transparent wings of a cicada, if you look closely, you can see the bright blood vessels under the skin.

His body was overly sick, and there was a faint smell of disinfectant.

He was completely naked, just bent down slightly, tilted his head slightly, nose to nose with hers, and looked at her steadily.

As if looking at some novel toy, under the long eyelashes, the gloomy dark green pupils completely reflected her appearance.

Concentrated, and his movements are a bit childish with ignorance of the world.

Still looks like a child.

Yun Si blinked, looking at his overly delicate and pretty face.

Slightly round eyes, extremely light soft lips.

His breathing was so slow that it was almost imperceptible that he was breathing.

The temperature is also cold, just like his body, pale and transparent like a piece of ice.

Bone-shattering ice.

Yun Si looked at him, her eyes flickering.

She raised her finger slightly, as if tentatively, wanting to touch him.

He stared at her, then at her hands.

The long eyelashes hang down, because there is no sunlight all year round, even the eyelashes are light black.

Trembling slightly, like a butterfly spreading its wings, it seemed to fly into people's hearts.

People can't help but want to do something.

Yun Si looked at his beautiful and soft face, and the round pupils like a cat.

The young man is taller and older than her, but because he has never been outside, and has never experienced life outside, his eyes always have an extraordinarily clean innocence.

Like a newborn baby, ignorant of everything, she quietly tilted her head and looked at her.

Warm and soft, without a trace of sharp aggressiveness.

Yun Si slowly stretched out her hand, bit by bit, trying to touch his face.

He didn't move, he seemed to be thinking about what she wanted to do.

Yun Si's fingers paused for a moment.

Then, she suddenly stood on tiptoe, leaned up to him quickly, and kissed his face.

Dragonfly touches the water and leaves at a touch.

The boy's pupils became rounder, he blinked and looked at her.

(End of this chapter)

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