Chapter 1304 Overgrown (34)

He closed his eyes and fell asleep.

No sleep for one night.





Day two.

The waves rolled in and surged on the beach, and under the shining of the sun, white waves rolled out.

The calm sea stretches as far as the eye can see.

Under the sun, sparkling, refracting the warm sunlight, looking carefully, it is dazzling and dazzling.

Song Dewen was the first to get up, yawned, put on his shoes, and walked out of his room sleepily.

Because the boat kept rocking and the waves were loud at night, he didn't sleep well last night.

Lie like this until seven o'clock in the morning, when the sun came up, I didn't get up.

He walked through the narrow passage in the cabin and was about to go to the dining room to prepare food.

Unexpectedly, there were already people in the dining room.

Still a...unexpected person.

"..." Song Dewen stared blankly at the woman in the red dress with disheveled hair, as if dumbfounded.

The woman cooked the porridge neatly, scooped all the porridge into a big bowl, and then turned around holding the big bowl.

Between the white wrists, there is also a black hair tie.


The woman nodded politely when she saw him, and said:

"I have already brought the things back, and I just handed them over to Brother Li. If you are curious, you can go to Brother Li to have a look."

"..." Song Dewen was completely dumbfounded.

His expression was once a little silly.

The woman walked past him with a big bowl of steaming white porridge.

Push the door open, walk into your room, and close it.

Leaving Song Dewen alone in the dining room, he stood for a while before digesting the sudden surprise.

He turned sharply.

"Brother Li—"





Yun Si carried the porridge and entered her room.

Because of being on the ship, her room is not big.

There is only a single bed and a small table, and there is no room left for the rest.

She was wearing slippers, and by the way, she raised her foot to close the door.

Gently put the porridge on the small table beside the bed, and then looked at the person on the bed.

The boy on the bed was just wearing pure white short-sleeved shorts, sitting cross-legged, with his beautiful fingers resting on his lap, watching her quietly.

The dark green gloomy pupils, under the faint light coming in from the window, are faint, revealing a bit of mystery.

His hair was long and grayish in curly curls, hanging casually behind his ears, revealing his beautiful pale face.

He tilted his head slightly and looked at her, as if thinking about what she was doing.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Yun Si leaned over and kissed his cold face.

He was very quiet, like an ignorant child, staring at her without hiding.

Be good to the extreme.

Yun Si hooked her red lips, picked up the big bowl on the small table, scooped it up with a spoon, took a spoonful, and then blew.

The porridge was just cooked, so it must be still very hot, Yun Si blew on it for a while, and then ate a little symbolically.

She felt that it was no longer hot, so she fed it to his mouth.

"Open your mouth."

A certain quiet big friend blinked his round pupils.

The eyelashes are long and dense, like a soft fan.

Stared at her, as if thinking for a while.

Afterwards, he slowly opened his mouth, the color of his lips was light.

Yun Si fed him a mouthful, and then scooped up a second mouthful.

Still blowing, he pursed his lips symbolically and touched him, then fed him.

He probably can't speak, since the two met until now, he hasn't said a word.

Quiet and quiet, neither noisy nor noisy, very worry-free.

(End of this chapter)

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