Chapter 1305 Overgrown (35)

Yun Si fed him slowly, and he ate slowly.

After finishing a large bowl of porridge, he shook his head at the last bite.

He licked his ruddy lips, and stared straight at her with dark green round pupils, as if expressing something.

Yun Si raised her eyebrows, looked at him, then at the last bite.

He didn't speak, and ate by himself.

After eating, she leaned over and kissed his cold face again, smiling.

"The kid is so good."

The pretty pale child blinked at her.

Seems completely unaware that there's a bad woman who's been taking advantage of him.

Yun Si finished taking advantage of him, so she put down the bowl.

Just as she was about to get up and go out, she didn't want to, the person who had been very quiet all of a sudden reached out and grabbed her.

Yun Si turned her head.

"what happened?"

I saw the quiet young man slowly stretching out his other hand.

In the pale and cold palm lay quietly a candy with a crystal wrapper.

The child raised his head, and his round green pupils stared at her unblinkingly.

It was quiet, but the meaning was obvious.

He wants candy.

"..." Yun Si paused.

After a moment of silence, she sat down on the bed again and picked up the sugar.

Unwrap it and put it in your mouth.

The pretty boy stared at her without moving.

Not long after, he rushed over.

Like a nimble and ferocious lynx.

A certain bad woman who was thrown down all of a sudden: "..."





Another room in the cabin.

There are two beds facing each other, and a small table is installed in the middle compartment.

The space inside is very narrow, barely able to accommodate two people.

But now, there are four people inside.

Sitting in two on the same bed, they were all looking at the file bag on the table, and no one spoke.

There was an eerie silence.

Song Dewen looked at Li Zongze and asked, " it true?"

Li Zongze sat there with a splint tied to his leg, nodding solemnly.

The moment he got it, he checked it immediately.

It is confirmed that it is indeed their target file.

"...This is too..." Song Dewen couldn't help but marvel, "She's too powerful..."

"One person, just got it so easily..."

It's just unbelievable.

He looked at Liu Wuhui, "Xiao Liu, is your senior sister really good at research?"

"Will she have some hidden identity, such as an agent, killer or something?"

"..." Liu Wuhui pushed the shattered glasses.

"No, my senior sister is just an ordinary student, she just has a little bit more strength, and she shouldn't have other identities."

Song Dewen looked at the document again and exclaimed, "Then your senior sister is really strong."

Not only did he dare to break into the laboratory alone, he should be able to walk the eerie road of bones at night.

When she appeared today, he almost thought he was still dreaming, dreaming that she was back.

Song Dewen was still in a state of astonishment about this fact, and hadn't fully accepted it.

After staring at the document for a long time, Liang Yu'er who was sitting next to her said, "Now that the document has been obtained, we can start our return trip today."

"Brother Li, how are you? Can you still steer?"

Li Zongze injured his left leg and needs crutches to walk.

If it is at the helm alone, it may be a little difficult.

He looked at the documents on the stage and said, "Song Dewen, you will be my deputy."

"I can't move around these few days, so I can only rely on you."

(End of this chapter)

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