Chapter 1319 Overgrown (49)

"What do you think?"

"..." Professor Bertram held back, patiently, and said it again.

"Let Yingsheng receive appropriate and adequate examinations to prevent his body from having any sequelae due to the experiments that year."

Yun Si smiled and asked, "What are the sequelae? Hemiplegia? Poisoning? Physiological immune response? Or genetic rupture?"

She named a few unusual ones.

Professor Bertram pondered: "These are all possible, or more serious."

"After all, the RST project is extremely difficult and counterintuitive, and its impact will naturally be much greater than ordinary experiments."

"So, Yingsheng should take the examination seriously."

Yun Si listened and nodded in agreement.

"There are definitely after-effects, and they're not great."

Professor Bertram was taken aback for a moment, then overjoyed, "For example?"

"What unusual sequelae did he have?"

The beautiful woman in front of her bent her eyes and smiled.

Stare him in the eyes and say, "The sequelae are..."

She spoke slowly, and the end of her words slowly elongated.

Constantly elongated, as if deliberately trying to keep a secret, it has lifted people's appetite to the extreme.

Professor Bertram didn't dare to be distracted for a moment, and listened to every word.

The next second, I saw her hand shaking in front of his eyes.

The fluttering words immediately fell into his ears.

"The sequelae are... amnesia..."

The soft voice seemed to become ethereal in an instant.

Just like that, it got into his mind and echoed in the depths of his consciousness.

His body swayed, his eyes were slightly dull.

Like stupid.

Yun Si looked at him, snorted, took her boyfriend by the hand, and walked around.

The boyfriend An Jing doesn't speak, but he will follow her.

The two walked a few steps, only to hear a plop, and Professor Bertram fainted on the ground, unconscious.

Yun Si's footsteps stopped and she didn't look back.

Holding her boyfriend by the hand, she left this road.

It wasn't until she left the campus gate that she suddenly stopped and turned around.

Looking at him, his tone was bad.

"Do you know him?"

The boy raised his eyelids and looked at her quietly.

The surrounding light dimmed, and only for a moment, the street lights came on.

It illuminated this road, and also illuminated his gentle and beautiful eyebrows.

He was fattened up by her, and his face also had some flesh.

The temperature on his body is not as cold as before, and his palms are also warm, soft and have a faint fragrance of green grass.

A beautiful and fair young man with a long body, stood there, looked at her, and blinked his eyes suddenly.

The dark green round pupils are like poisonous snakes, under the light and shadow, only her figure is reflected.

Looking at her quietly, then slowly leaned over.

With her nose to nose, breathing intertwined, quietly looking at each other.

There is a silent intimacy.

He didn't speak, but seemed to be expressing something.

The tip of his nose is full of the scent of green grass on his body.

"..." Yun Si took a step back and glared at him, "It's useless to be cute, I don't like that."


The young man looked at her quietly, and there seemed to be an imperceptible smile in his eyes.

He knew that she liked him the most.

He imitated how she played hooligans before, and kissed her on the cheek in a dignified manner.

Head tilted, eyes pure.

Simple and harmless, completely off-putting.

Yun Si: "..."

This bad man!
(End of this chapter)

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