Chapter 1320 Overgrown (50)

Yun Si wiped away all of Professor Bertlam's memories of Ying Sheng, including the RST project involved.

In this way, Professor Bertlam would not have the opportunity to tell the story of Ying Sheng here.

Naturally, the episode of Professor Bertlam also reminded her that as long as she is still studying here and living near this school, Ying Sheng may meet someone who knows about the RST project.

Moreover, Ying Sheng...can no longer be called Ying Sheng.

His overly unique name could easily arouse suspicion.

Therefore, Yunsi thought twice and decided to move with Yingsheng.

Moved to a remote small city, no longer in a big city.

Only by staying away from these scientific research lunatics can Yingsheng be truly safe and not be disturbed by the past.

Therefore, at the end of the semester, Yunsi applied to Professor Bruno for transfer.

She intends to transfer to a very ordinary university and engage in other studies.

Regarding the field of bioengineering, she does not intend to continue her studies.

But Professor Bruno didn't want her to leave, because he hadn't been able to study the samples she brought back.

If she left, it would be difficult for him to contact her in time.

The two parties talked together several times.

In the end, Yun Si successfully obtained his consent and transferred to another school smoothly.

On the day of departure, it was raining above the city.

On the TV, the news of the distribution of [-] million bonuses was broadcast.

It was raining heavily outside, and the wind was blowing, whistling, blowing the potted plants on the balcony tottering.

Yun Si took back the clothes that were drying on the balcony, carried them back to the bedroom, and threw them all on the bed.

On the bed, the thin and beautiful boy lowered his head and crossed his legs, quietly folding his clothes.

Pale and clean fingers spread out and folded meticulously.

Put together, hers and his are next to each other, neatly folded.

Yun Si rubbed his head, and conveniently put his folded clothes in the suitcase.

Glancing at the gray sky outside, she looked at the clock on the wall.

I'm about to leave for the airport, but the weather...

There will likely be delays.

Yun Si looked around the room.

The vines growing in the room had been cleaned up by her last night.

It took a long time to restore the clean and bright appearance.

In this way, when checking out, the landlord should not see anything unusual.

Yun Si sat by the bed and began to watch the boy on the bed fold his clothes.

The boy was quiet and his actions were extremely serious.

White, tender and soft face, long and thick eyelashes.

More and more like a doll that is too beautiful to be true.

Yun Si looked at him and curled her lips slightly.

Sure enough, obedient big friends are the best to watch.

She couldn't help hugging him, sticking to his back, her arms hugged tightly.

A faint scent of green grass lingers around.

She rested her head on his shoulder, looked at his profile, and kissed him.

Heavy, very hard.

The teenager who was folding clothes didn't respond, with long and bushy eyelashes hanging down, he was still orderly folding the clothes she just took back.

Folded into square corners, there is no wrinkle at all.

Excessively rigorous and serious, as if doing something big.

Yun Si was not annoyed either, and just looked at him in a good mood.

Hugging his waist, rubbing against him, smiling.

"Yingsheng, when the ID card is ready, shall we go get married?"

She spoke to him in a quite natural tone.

The boy's movements paused for a moment.

Standing there, the eyelids lifted slightly, and the dark green eyes gradually deepened.

(End of this chapter)

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