Chapter 1321 Overgrown (51)

She spoke to him with a seductive tone.

The boy's movements paused for a moment.

Standing there, the eyelids lifted slightly, and the dark green eyes gradually deepened.

Yun Si was afraid that he didn't know what marriage was, so she talked nonsense without blushing.

"Marriage... Actually, it's nothing special, it's just that you and I have become best friends."

"We will still live together in the future, you help me, I help you, we will live together until we grow old..."

The boy's movements stopped slowly, and he hung on his clothes.

The beautiful side face is under the light, and there is no emotion.

Quietly, I don't know what I'm thinking.

Yun Si couldn't get his reaction, and she was not in a hurry, so she kissed him again and let go.

"It's okay, don't worry, you can think about it slowly."

"..." The young man raised his round green pupils slightly, his expression calm.

In the next second, the filamentary vines popped out again without a sound.

Yun Si wanted to get up, but didn't want to, he grew vines again.

And this time, the rattan was growing rapidly, directly wrapping around her waist.

He pressed her on the bed, and his hands were also fixed by soft vines.

The young man sat there with clear and fair eyebrows, but those dark green pupils were thick and raging.

He just looked at her quietly, without moving.

There was no trace of superfluous expression on his face.

Calm and secretive.

Yun Si lay on the bed and twisted her hands.

She couldn't break free, she was helpless.

"What's wrong? Angry?"

Could it be that he doesn't want to get married?
The boy narrowed his beautiful eyes.

It was raining heavily outside, and faintly, there was still the sound of thunder.

In this way, he slowly pressed down on her body, touching her face with both hands, his dark green pupils were like a faint poisonous snake.

Cold, penetrating, without warmth.

His light gray curly hair hangs down slightly, and the tip of her nose is opposite to the tip of her nose, and his light lips do not have a trace of curvature.

Those unwavering eyes lingered over her eyebrows bit by bit.

The cold temperature seemed to be licked slowly by Snake Xinzi, leaving an endless chill.

He seemed to be looking at her.

But that plain sight is like invisible sharp knives, cutting her flesh little by little, opening her skin, right down to her heart.

He was staring at her like a viper watching its prey.

Yun Si twisted her wrist, but the vines on both sides were still tightly restraining her, preventing her from moving.

It seemed that only at this time did she realize that the boy was not a harmless child at all, but a monster that could easily torture and kill humans.

A monster combined with a man and a vine.

He is very powerful and can control everything without using his hands.

Including bringing prey to your door.

Yun Si was helpless, unable to move, so she simply gave up.

Looking at him, the eyes are clear and calm.

"So, what do you want to ask?"

He still didn't speak, and just kept his eyes on her face lightly.

Two pale and slender hands touched her face delicately and gently, but seemed a bit domineering.

Touch her eyebrows, eyes, nose, and finally lips.

Slowly, he traced all of her facial features.

It's like playing with a perfect work of art.

It was raining outside, and thunder rang in the distance.

It was so earth-shattering that the trams downstairs were beeping.

The phone on the bedside table turned on, and a text message came in to inform me of a flight delay.

When Yun Si heard the notification tone of the text message, she glanced sideways.

However, the boy snapped her face back in the next second.

Eye to eye with him.

Very strong and domineering.

Yun Si frowned, "Ying Sheng, it's fine, don't lose your temper."

As if he didn't hear, he slowly slid his hand to her shoulder.

Hooking her suspender skirt, her warm long fingers seemed to have a bit of charm.

Like playing, but not like playing.

"..." Yun Si understood what he meant now.

He was expressing that marriage is fine, but... needs some sweetness.

Like, do something.

"... Ying Sheng!"

There are more and more vines, and the teenagers are becoming more and more wanton.

A vine appeared out of nowhere and quietly drew the bedroom curtains.

Cut off from the gray world.

A certain goblin whose hands were bound by vines: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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