Chapter 1322 Overgrown (52)

It was the second year after moving to Yicheng.

A small town at the foot of Yishan Mountain, and a small courtyard near the mountain.

It had just rained, and the sun came out, shining on the freshly washed land.

Yishan is shrouded in hazy and moist mist, drifting all the way to the foot of the mountain, full of moisture, bringing bursts of fresh grass fragrance.

In the other courtyard, countless vines climbed on the surrounding walls.

The vines are like pangolins, layered on the courtyard wall.

Even the big iron gate of the courtyard was covered with vines, growing wantonly, embellishing the whole small courtyard with green everywhere.

Because it had just rained, there were crystal clear drops of water on the leaves of the vines.

It slid down the branches and leaves, landed in the yard, and soon disappeared into the soil, never to be seen again.

Luscious green vegetables were planted in the yard, and the land was refurbished, apparently just cultivated.

The kingfisher flapped its wings and flew over here.

I saw a girl coming out of that building, with disheveled hair, slippers, and a baggy long dress and trousers.

Lazily, he came out and took a look at the small vegetable garden in his yard.

It rained heavily just now, and there was something wrong with the drainage holes in the yard, so she braced herself to get up and take a look.

Rubbing her eyes, she yawned, seeing that the vegetable field was safe and sound, and the rainwater was drained from another drainage channel.

She looked at it, rubbed her waist, and turned around.

"Sister! Are you there?"

The big iron gate of the yard was knocked suddenly, and the eldest sister from the neighbor's house came again.

The voice is very loud.

The girl stopped in her footsteps, lowered her head, and turned around resignedly.

"Sister! Sister Yunsi!"

The iron door was knocked loudly.

Soon, the iron door opened.

The girl with disheveled hair saw the eldest sister outside the door and bowed slightly.

"Morning sister."

The eldest sister is holding a basket, and the basket is full of white radishes.

The white radish is still stained with soil, and it seems that it has just been dug out of the soil.

She energetically stuffed a bundle of radishes into Yun Si's hands, and said, "Sister, these radishes are fresh, for you young couple to eat."

"Ah... okay, thank you, sis."

Yun Si is used to her being so enthusiastic.

The elder sister of the neighbor loves to grow vegetables and gives them a little each time.

She would give in at first, but after getting used to it, she would often send some fresh meat back.

The two families have frequent contacts.

The elder sister looked at her as if she had just woken up, and couldn't help but preach, "Sister, the sun is already drying your ass, why did you get up?"

"That's not okay, the air is so good in the morning, don't always sleep in late."

"..." The woman inside the door fiddled with her hair embarrassingly, "Try, I try to get up early."

The eldest sister seemed to have thought of something, pointed to the building of her house, and lowered her voice, "Your family is not up yet, right?"

"Look at your house. There are so many green things growing, and he doesn't want to build it. Why is he so lazy?"

The eldest sister read between the lines with disgust, "What's the use of being handsome, if you don't help at all, you have to rely on you to clean up the house, right?"

"..." Yun Si smiled, "No, he also helped a lot. He grows all the vegetables at home."

"Really?" The elder sister was full of disbelief, "I have passed by your house so many times, and I have never seen him planting vegetables..."

As she spoke, she glanced at the building again.

"However, the grass in your house really needs to be pruned. It has grown all the way to your window, and people outside will find it ugly."

(End of this chapter)

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