Chapter 1323 Overgrown (53)

"However, the grass in your house really needs to be pruned. It has grown all the way to your window, and people outside will find it ugly."

Yun Si nodded, with a good attitude, "Got it, thank you eldest sister, I will find time to build it later."

Only after the eldest sister finished her lecture did she feel satisfied.

"That's all right. I'm going back. You should wash up quickly."

She walked to the next yard.

Yun Si stood at the door, raised her hand, and looked at the bundled white radish.

He exhaled, looking helpless.




Putting the radish back into the kitchen, Yun Si glanced at the pot by the way.

There are roasted sweet potatoes warm in the pot, as well as sweet roasted corn and preserved egg porridge.

The sweet potatoes and corn are grown by her husband himself. They are very sweet, and she likes to eat them very much.

Yun Si couldn't help breaking off a small piece and took two bites.

The sweet taste spread in her mouth, and she walked out of the kitchen contentedly and went upstairs.

The building is very low, with only three floors in total.

The third floor is a large bedroom. When you walk in, you can see vines growing everywhere, which is shocking.

Yun Si took a sip of water, then went into the bathroom to wash up.

Just after washing, her cell phone rang as if she had pinpointed it on purpose.

Caller ID - her big baby.

Yun Si casually tied up her hair and picked it up.

Pull open the curtain of the big window of the bedroom, so that the sunlight can shine in, so that the vines inside can also bask in the sun.


There was an uproar on the phone.

There was no sound but the noise.

Yun Si is obviously used to it, she knows he can't speak.

She held the phone in one hand and rummaged through clothes in the closet with the other.

"I'm already up, and I'm about to change my clothes. Just now, the elder sister next door sent back a white radish weighing about four catties, so you go to Uncle Linzi's to buy two catties of pork ribs, and come back to eat radish rib soup tonight, okay?"

The person on the phone still didn't make a sound.

But the noise was quieter, and he seemed to have reached a quiet place.

Yun Si took out a skirt and closed the closet door.

"By the way, the light tube on the second floor of the house is broken. Remember to buy two, one for replacement and one for backup."

"Are you at the entrance of Baolin Restaurant now? Go to the left and walk about 200 meters. There is a grocery store there. There are light tubes in the store. One light tube costs 20 yuan, and two light tubes cost [-] yuan. You Count it, don't make a mistake."

"Do you still remember the way back? Will there be a lot of things? Do you want me to pick you up?"

Still no sound.

It was always Yun Si who was talking.

But Yun Si could quickly understand what he meant.

"Okay, if you don't need it, I'll wait for you at home. If you don't understand anything, remember to call me."

She sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for him to hang up the phone.

He was quiet, and then hung up.

Yun Si glanced at the phone and wanted to laugh helplessly.




When a certain quiet big baby came back, he quietly closed the iron door, and walked into the kitchen with a full load of things.

Yun Si was sitting on a chair eating roasted sweet potatoes, when she saw him coming out, she waved to him.

"Have you bought the lamp? 40 yuan is not too much, is it?"

The quiet man immediately hugged her, rubbing his head against her like a big docile dog.

Yun Si was still holding the roasted sweet potato in her hand, it was sticky, so it was not easy to touch him.

He just kissed him symbolically to show encouragement.

"Okay, okay, our baby is really good."

(End of this chapter)

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