Chapter 1324 Overgrown (54)

This one in her family is getting better and better physically, but her personality is also getting softer and softer.

It seemed that the spikes all over his body were put away, revealing his soft belly and claws.

He was wearing a sweater and trousers, and he was tall. He sat beside her like this, with his grandma nestling on her shoulders.

Quietly, she raised her hand and showed it in front of her.

There is a small scratch on it.

If you don't look carefully, you won't find it at all.

"..." Yun Si blinked.

Okay, he's upset and wants to whir.

She lowered her head cooperatively and blew gently.

It's like treating a big wound.

"Later, I'll help you apply some iodine tincture and disinfect it. Don't touch other things first, do you understand?"

The man lying on her shoulders had dark green pupils slightly narrowed, and his lips were bright red.

The curly soft hair rubbed against her, quietly, the thin vines on his body popped out again without a sound.

The loops bound her ankles, forming a perfect locket.

It seems that after this, he will be satisfied.

Yun Si blew, and then handed him the half-eaten roasted sweet potato.

He took a bite, and then limp on her back as if he had no bones.

Quietly, like a vine, wrapped around her body.

Yun Si continued to eat, and said as she ate, "The elder sister next door just said again, saying that our house has too many canes, and it doesn't look good from the outside."

"If the weather is fine these two days, I'll clean it up. As for you...can you promise me to control it?"

The beautiful man hugged her, closed his eyes, and didn't speak.

The dark green pupils were clear and deep, and they were lazy, as if they didn't listen to her words at all.

Yun Si raised her foot and kicked him.

"I'm serious with you, my eldest sister has said it many times, so you should restrain yourself."

The courtyard, the fence, and the entire building are covered with rattan inside and out.

Don't look at it from the outside, but the inside is actually more terrifying.

The ceiling, walls, and corners are densely covered with vines.

After turning off the lights and looking over, the room seemed to be covered with dark and poisonous snakes, and sometimes they even squirmed.

She is bold and doesn't care, so she can accept it.

But if someone accidentally broke in and saw the grand occasion inside, he might be scared to death on the spot.

Yun Si touched him, "Did you hear that? Don't pretend you didn't hear."

A certain man lazily raised his eyelids and looked at her.

Quiet, no emotion.

Yun Si knew that he could control the vines, and he could also control the growth of the vines.

She even knew that he could use the cane to see her every move at home.

He can do all of these, it just depends on whether he wants to or not.

Yun Si took the last bite of roasted sweet potato and wiped her hands with a paper towel.

After cleaning his hands, he went to pull his ears, which was a bit fierce.

"Yingsheng! Are you listening?!"

He blinked.

Quietly, staring at her.

Emotions are unknown.

Yun Si was about to grab his other ear.

But he didn't want to, he suddenly raised his hand, and touched the corner of her lips with his warm fingers.

Putting the sweet potato that was stained on it into his mouth, he stared at her, moving slowly.

The movements are pleasing to the eye, and inexplicably have a bit of eroticism.

Yun Si's hand froze.

For some reason, she blushed.

Suddenly pushed him away.

"Bad man!"

She stood up almost instantly.

Leaving some bad man behind, he sat on the chair she had sat on and licked the corners of his lips.

Staring at her leaving back, quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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