Chapter 1336 Contaminated (11)

The person standing in the hall seemed to sense her gaze.

So, he lowered his head even more, and put his legs together, his movements seemed a little stiff.

It looks very stiff.

Yun Si scratched the page with her fingertips, closed her eyes, and hummed.

It was his response.

A Li's eyes lit up, and he raised his head.

Like a puppy who got candy, the invisible tail behind him seemed to be raised.

He grabbed his clean clothes and bent his lips quietly.

Quietly staring at the person under the crystal bead curtain, without speaking.

Standing there like this, looking inexplicably silly.

Yun Si glanced at him with shallow eyes, pursed her lips, and asked, "Can you read?"

Naturally it will.

Ali nodded a little cautiously.

Fearing that the people under the crystal bead curtain would not be able to see him, he hummed softly again, like a kid.

Then, the beauty half lying on the soft bed waved to him.

The snow-white fingertips lightly curled up, signaling him to come over.

The thin and frail Ah Li seemed to be getting more nervous.

Those watery and clear eyes fluttered around, but he didn't dare to look at her.

After getting her signal, he grabbed his clothes tightly and stepped forward bit by bit.

His body was visibly stiff, as if his hands and feet were out of coordination.

Her cheeks were also slightly red, as shy as a little girl.

Yun Si looked at it, a little funny.

"fear me?"

He froze for a moment, then shook his head quickly: "No, I'm not afraid."

Just, just nervous.

Especially when meeting her smiling eyes, it always makes people panic.

His cheeks were hot, as if he was sick.

In the end, Yun Si watched him clumsily lift the curtain, lowered his head, and stood in front of her.

Upon closer inspection, his face was even fairer.

Wen Wen is quiet, her round eyes are black and white, warm and soft, like a newborn deer.

When he first arrived in such a new environment, he was obviously very cautious.

Nervously digging at his clothes, almost to the point of digging out a hole.

Yun Si looked at him, her red lips curled slightly.

Passing the book in her hand, she lowered her voice and held back a little smile.

"If you can read, can you read it for me?"

"If you can read it verbatim, I will reward you, how about it?"

"." He blinked and looked at the book she handed over.

The slightly yellowed book, the white and tender fingers.

She smiled faintly and looked at him with a smile, tenderness in her eyes.

It made his cheeks burn even hotter.

It seemed that the temperature of his body was out of control, and the blood was congested on his face, which made him a little embarrassed.

Randomly took it nervously, and he hummed in a low voice.

Because of the panic in his heart, his fingers trembled a little.

Under her smiling gaze, he didn't read any of the words in the book.

Instead, he lowered his head even more, exposing two ears that were so red that they were dripping with blood.

Soft, like a bunny.

"." Seeing that the person in front of him with his head bowed was about to burn, Yun Si laughed and sat up slowly.

Dressed in a bright red veil that outlined her graceful figure, she pulled back her skirt, landed on the ground, and patted his shoulder.

"Just watch it first, and I'll listen to you later."

She kindly left him the place.

Otherwise, if he had teased him too much, he might not really burn his whole body.

The man with red ears grabbed the book in his hand, lowered his head, watching the bright red figure walk past him.

(End of this chapter)

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