Chapter 1337 Contaminated (12)

Leaving behind a faint fragrance of flowers, charming and soft, just like her.

The quiet and timid man like a rabbit, with trembling eyes, followed her subconsciously.

Watching her walk into the emerald screen, the figure never disappeared again, he stared blankly, motionless.

After a while, he came back to his senses, lowered his head again, bit his lip, and seemed a little annoyed.

Unable to live up to himself, he has less chance to be alone with her.

He stared at the book, silent.

She pursed her lips slightly, then opened it, and began to read the first page seriously.

Rough hands pinched and rubbed the corners of the page nervously, almost tearing the top.

Under the crystal bead curtain, it suddenly became quiet.

Yun Si went into the inner room to check on Yin Ci's situation.

On the bed, the man wearing only white underwear, with his eyes closed, was still in a deep sleep.

Qingjue's eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and on his pale and cold face, there was a little bit of gorgeous cinnabar at the end of his eyes, which revealed a bit of stunning beauty in his fragility and delicacy.

Sitting by the bed, Yun Si untied his belt and looked at the condition of his wound.

Fortunately, there does not appear to be any sign of infection.

Helping him get dressed again, she looked at him quietly.

He took out a soft handkerchief and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

His eyeballs moved slightly, and his eyebrows seemed to relax a little.

There was no blood on his pale face, only that touch of gorgeous cinnabar added a little more vividness to his lifeless life.

People can't help but want to touch and caress the glowing color.

Yun Si watched quietly, reached out her hand, and tapped.

The gentle fingertips are about to leave at the slightest touch, as if they are doing something bad, and they dare not stay longer.

She curled her lips slightly and withdrew her hand.

Seeing that the time was almost up, she stood up and was about to go out.

The next second, she felt another pulling force.

Pulling her skirt, don't let go.

"." She turned to look at him.

The pale man on the bed was obviously unconscious, but at some point, he grabbed her skirt again.

Grabbing tightly, very hard.

His finger bones were as beautiful as jade, and they were abnormally white. He fell asleep deeply and knew nothing about it.

I don't know what kind of bad habit this is.

The palace lord, who had just changed into a dress, stared at his hands, as if he was thinking about the possibility of forcibly breaking him apart.

After all, she had ruined one dress before, and she didn't want to ruin the second one.

So, she sat down again, grabbed his hands, and began to break them apart one by one.

A quarter of an hour later, the Mistress stared blankly at him holding her hand, and then looked at him.

In the next second, her figure disappeared directly.

His hand fell directly to the sky.

Landing on the side of the bed, his pretty eyebrows frowned again.

The fingertips trembled slightly, moving slightly.

The palace lord, who was crumpled at the hem of the skirt, lowered his head and patted it, and walked out of the inner room.

Ah Li stood beside Ruanta, the redness on his face had disappeared.

With his head down, he stared at the book seriously, flipping through it quickly.

When the palace lord came out, just in time, he saw that he had turned to the last page.

The speed is astonishing.

"." She paused, then walked over.

Ah Li seemed to have been paying attention to the movement here, and as soon as she walked out, he immediately put down the book.

Facing her, raised his head cautiously, staring at her with round and pure eyes.

The hands hanging on both sides unconsciously grabbed his sleeve cloth again, and his face was slightly flushed.

(End of this chapter)

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