Chapter 1342 Contaminated (17)

This day ends with taking care of the wounded as the final task.





Early the next morning, the dark chime came.

Hooking his orchid fingers, stroking his well-maintained long hair.

With a curvaceous figure and soft eyebrows, she stepped into the water pavilion of Xieshuitan and saluted slowly.

"Palace Master, An Qi has come to greet you."

Inside the pavilion with red pillars and gray tiles, the lord of the palace, who was dressed in a water-blue long dress that stretched the floor, leaned against the handrail and glanced at him slowly.

Soft and delicate complexion, charming eyes and eyebrows.

With a half-smile, she slowly fed the fish food, her eyes fell on the lake again, and her tone was deep.

"It's rare that you came to greet me so early."

"What? Ask me something?"

An Cui smiled coquettishly, took out a delicate wooden comb from his cuff, combed his hair, and complained:
"It's really impossible to hide anything from our wise and mighty Palace Master, it's not fun at all."

"..." The beauty looked at him coolly, "Why are you looking for me?"

An Chi paused in combing her hair, then leaned on the edge of the pavilion with a tilted body.

Holding his face, he looked at her, pretending to be casual:

"I heard...the people from Qiankunzong sent three immortal spirit grass?"

"I don't know what our wise and mighty Palace Master plans to do with those three fairy grasses?"

The Palace Mistress squinted at him.

"One plant was given to Yin Ci, and the remaining two plants were all given to Anmei."

An Yan's expression changed, "That's it, that's it?"

His slender voice was much sharper.

Only the wise and mighty Palace Master in front of him nodded: "That's it."

"My lord! How could you do this!"

He stomped, angry.

He glared at her angrily, but looked like he was winking at her.

"How can you give it to an outsider?!"

"." The beauty looked calm, holding the fish food with her fingertips, and slowly sprinkled it down.

"Yin Ci is not an outsider, but my male favourite."

"He was seriously injured, and it was because of you, there is nothing wrong with giving him a plant."

An Qi curled his lips angrily: "Since when did he become your male favourite?"

"Palace Master, that's just a little face, do you really have a crush on him?"

Before, he thought she was just a whim, just for fun.

".Baby face?"

Yun Si scoffed and looked at him.

"Don't forget, if his martial arts has not been sealed, then even if you and the four of you, Anxie, Anying, and Yinying together, are probably not his opponents."

"Are you sure he's a little boy?"

"." There was an awkward silence.

She was telling the truth.

Yin Ci has been hidden in the world for a long time, and his internal strength is unfathomable and unrivaled.

That day he was poisoned by the dark charm, but he was still able to hold on, entangled with the four guardians for a long time.

In the end, Anmei forcibly activated the medicinal properties, and the Palace Mistress took the opportunity to sneak attack.

The five of them worked together to take him down and bring him back to Fusang Palace.

An Qi naturally knew how much effort was spent in this process.

But it is precisely because he knows that he refuses to accept it.

Smoothing her hair, Lan Hua raised her finger, extremely dissatisfied.

"Palace Master, even though that's the case, it took a lot of effort for us to bring him back."

"Although his internal strength is sealed and his martial arts are useless now, it is necessary to waste a stalk of fairy grass to treat that little injury?"

"Anmei has a lot of medicines for treating skin trauma, and the medicines are all good. Are you a bit overqualified?"

(End of this chapter)

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