Chapter 1343 Contaminated (18)

What's more, the spirit fairy herb has miraculous effects, and the medicinal effect is amazing.

If the poison in his body is detoxified and he recovers his martial arts, then——

".Are you worried that after he recovers his martial arts, he will kill all of us?"

The beauty in the water blue long dress lowered her eyes and smiled lightly, looking calm.

Angrily and coquettishly: "Palace Master~"

"If you love beauties, you should love beauties, and you should also think about the safety of our Fusang Palace."

"The Immortal Spirit Grass, you haven't given it to him yet, have you?"

He desperately tried to save it.

The wise and mighty Palace Master blinked his beautiful eyes.

Looking at him, Wei Wei is innocent: "I just gave him a drink, you should have said it earlier."

Darkness: "."

In the end, An Chi was so angry that he couldn't even be polite, and flung his sleeves away.

He even let go of a harsh word.

"When Yin Ci wakes up, he will kill the Quartet, you will regret it!"

"." The beauty raised her eyebrows and narrowed her eyes slightly.

A Li and An Qi brushed past each other.

An Qi was so angry that he didn't give him a look.

Ah Li was timid, so he turned sideways and backed away.

Looking at his back with lingering fear, he quietly breathed a sigh of relief while holding the tea tray.

After sending the tea tray to the stone table under the pavilion, Ah Li took a peek at the Palace Mistress who was feeding the fish, then lowered his head and silently set the teapot.

He poured cool tea and gently brought it to her side.

"Si Si Si, drink tea."

The beauty squinted her eyes, facing the morning sun, her face was snow-white.

Glancing at him, pursing his lips, he took it.

"Thank you, Ali."

He lowered his head, dropped his hands, tangled together, and hummed softly.

Quietly, she stood not far behind her again, and stopped talking.

Silently being a transparent person.

Yun Si stood by the pavilion, drinking tea unhurriedly, overlooking the scenery on the pool.

After standing for a long time, she put down the cup and turned around.


The man with his head down looked up at her, then quickly avoided, pursing his lips: "What?"

"The weather is so nice, do you want to fly a kite?"

She raised her hand to block the sun and looked at him with a smile.

The man was taken aback.

"Fly a kite?"

The beauty standing by the pavilion smiled, and the pale golden sunlight fell on her shoulders, wisps of light dyed her delicate eyebrows and eyes, dimming a little beauty.

Gentle and soft, like an orchid in the water, elegant and leisurely, with a little more indescribable style.

"A Li, go find some kite-making materials, shall we go fly a kite?"

"If the weather is good, maybe it will be released this afternoon."

"." The man stared at her blankly without speaking.

Like stupid.

The round and beautiful pupils stared at her unblinkingly, naked, and forgot to hide it.

Yun Si smiled slightly.

He raised his hand and shook it in front of him: "A Li?"

Only then did he suddenly come back to his senses.

With a swipe, he blushed and panicked with embarrassment.

He lowered his head in a panic, his eyelashes trembling slightly.

He grabbed the corner of his clothes nervously, stumbling like a frightened little rabbit.

"I'll go right away, I'll be right back."

After saying this, he ran away in a panic.

It was as if someone was chasing him.

Upon closer inspection, his ears were red again.

Burnt red, clearly visible in bright light.

"." Yun Si stood in the pavilion, slightly curling her lips.

He didn't speak, but sighed silently in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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