Chapter 1348 Contaminated (23)

He stood there, his phoenix eyes were dark, terrifyingly black.

Desolate brows and eyes, snow-white and beautiful figure.

The hanging hand slowly clenched into a fist, motionless.

He stood there quietly, not knowing what he was thinking.


Ming Zhao ran to the side hall in a panic.

He knocked on the door and shouted outside: "Palace Master—Palace Master—"

"The big thing is not good—Yin Ci and An Qi are fighting—"

"Palace Master—Palace Master—"

The person lying on the bed frowned.

Ah Li, who had been guarding the bed the whole time, stood up immediately.

"Si Si Si?"

She closed her eyes and slowly sat up, her cloud-like temple hair hanging down her slender shoulders.

"A Li, help me get my clothes."

Her voice was slightly hoarse, with a deep sense of sleepiness.

A Li looked at her still sleepy appearance, and pursed his lips.

"Si Si, you can sleep a little longer."

She rubbed her eyes and yawned, "It's okay."

"Hey, go and get me my clothes."

A Li lowered his head and remained silent.

Silently helping her put the clothes on the bed, she waved her hand to signal him to go out first.

Ah Li lowered his head and walked outside.

The dark eyeballs glanced at Mingzhao without emotion, for a moment, like a gloomy poisonous snake.

Ming Zhao was startled.

Just about to say something, the door opened again.

The Mistress of the Palace, who was dressed in a cloudy white dress, came out with her hair down and her skirt lifted.

"Ming Zhao, what's the matter?"

Ming Zhao hurriedly saluted: "Palace Master, Yin Ci woke up a quarter of an hour ago. When he went out, he happened to run into An Qi who came to look for you."

"Then Yin Ci made the first move."

The palace lord's expression froze slightly.

She knew that the first thing he did when he woke up was to seek revenge.

It's so hard to die, the dark knife that stabbed him happened to bump into it again, so it's no wonder he didn't make a move.

Without saying any more, she quickly left the side hall.

Ming Zhao followed immediately.

Like a piece of rag, An Chi was thrown to the ground viciously by a strong and fierce murderous aura.

The stone slab on the ground cracked and was crushed by his body.

He vomited blood, covered his dantian, and looked at the figure descending from the sky gloomily, his teeth almost gnawed on the ground.

The desolate man stood with his hands behind his back, his phoenix eyes were cold and beautiful.

She was dressed in snow-white single clothes, with broad shoulders, and the cinnabar at the corners of her eyes shone brightly in the sun, making her look absolutely gorgeous.

He stood there, just passed two moves with him, and he was defeated.

Defeated to the ground, without a trace of face left.

An Qi clutched his chest, coughed violently, and spat out blood profusely.

The three guards, An Mei, An Yin, An Yao, came in a hurry, and when they saw the man in the flying dust, their expressions changed slightly.

They looked at each other, and then helped the seriously injured An Chi to his feet.

An Qi wiped the blood from his mouth and sneered.

"It seems that we can't escape this catastrophe today."

At the beginning when Yun Si said that he would feed him the antidote, he could have imagined that day would come.

It's just that I didn't expect this day to come so soon.

An Mei knew medical skills, so she only briefly glanced at Yin Ci, her heart trembled, and she said in a low voice:
"His internal strength has recovered at least [-]%, our chances of winning are not great, should we?"

She secretly took out a touch of the powder.

It is definitely impossible to fight head-on, but if you can find a way to sneak attack successfully.
An Qi coughed up another mouthful of blood and shook his head.

"It's useless, he's very guarded this time, I couldn't get close to him at all just now."

(End of this chapter)

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