Chapter 1349 Contaminated (24)

The man standing barefoot on the cold jade slab didn't seem interested in what they were talking about.

The beautiful and pitch-black phoenix eyes calmly passed over the maid who surrounded him but did not dare to approach him. He lowered his eyes and slowly rolled up his sleeves.

Absolutely strong skill, deserted appearance.

He approached the four guards unhurriedly, step by step, his phoenix eyes were full of cool cruelty.

From the looks of it, he really had murderous intentions, and he held grudges extraordinarily.

An Yao and An Yao glanced at each other, and both stood in front of them.

Protecting An Ying who was seriously injured, and An Mei who was not good at martial arts.

The icy-cold Guisha who stepped on the blood condensed a powerful airflow in the palm of his hand.

The cold phoenix eyes are pitch black and terrifying, and the cinnabar color at the end of the eyes is burning.

He was proud and clear-cut, and he carried an unprecedented level of anger.

Fusang Palace was howling with strong winds and dust.

Received this god-killing anger and was about to destroy everything.


The woman in a white dress with disheveled hair stood in front of An Yao and An Yao.

Breathing slightly, her pretty face was pale, and she met the god-killing eyes.

He seemed a little scared, but he was still trying to calm down.

His footsteps stopped, and his sharp and cold phoenix eyes narrowed slightly.

The woman turned around and said to An Yao: "The four of you go first, take An Yao to heal your wounds immediately, hurry up."

"Master, then you—"

"If you keep the green hills, don't be afraid that there will be no firewood. At worst, I will die. When the time comes, you will find another person to be the palace master. Let's go!"

Dark Demon and Dark Demon glanced at each other.

Before making a sound, An Qi wiped a handful of blood, and sneered: "Where are you going?"

"We're going to die together!"

"At worst, let's fight with him—" An Mei covered him with a cold face, "Shut up! Isn't that messy enough?"

Forcibly calming down, the Palace Mistress gritted his teeth and met his cold gaze again.

With desolate brows, slender finger bones like jade, and the sun shining on his shoulders, not only is there no warmth, but it is extremely cold.

Cold beauty, untouched by the world.

The Lord Palace Master with disheveled hair folded his hands and looked over.

After a moment of silence, she took two steps forward and saluted him.

"My lord, all the mistakes in the past are all my own fault. I shouldn't be obsessed with ghosts, I shouldn't think about things I shouldn't think about, and I forcibly offended you."

"All of this has nothing to do with Fusang Palace. It was my insistence on ordering that made things happen like this."

"I hope that your son understands righteousness, and don't blame others for my own fault."

"I am willing to bear the responsibility for this crime alone. If the young master wants to kill me."

She paused and looked at his face.

He still had the same desolate appearance, his phoenix eyes were light and emotionless.

She coughed lightly and said, "If you want to kill me, son, why don't we have a fair competition."

"If the young master wins, it's up to you to kill him, but if the young master loses, then all the previous things will be canceled. I hope you don't care about it, how about it?"

As soon as the words fell, there was silence.

Not to mention that the maids were all stunned, even the injured An Qi frowned, muttering: "Is she crazy?"

She is a little girl from a family, and with the skill of a three-legged cat, she can't even defeat the dark charm, and she still wants to defeat Yin Ci?
The dark sprites showed a look of reluctance.

"Palace Master, why don't you let the subordinates come down?"


It's impossible to beat
(End of this chapter)

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