Chapter 1353 Contaminated (28)

"..." There was an inexplicable embarrassment.

Yun Si wanted to explain that she was not the one who snatched him back, but she couldn't.

Bowing her head and playing with the towel, she coughed, and her confidence became a little lacking: "Then tell me, what do you want?"

"Anyway, Qingyu is gone now, even if you kill me, you won't be able to make up for it."

She raised her eyes, and suddenly raised her eyebrows, "Why don't you just follow me?"

The bully-like molesting tone, naked, really forgets the pain when the scar is healed.

The phoenix eyes of the cold and weak man on the bed narrowed slightly.

Only to see that the palace lord quickly lowered his head, avoided his sight, coughed, and explained calmly.

"Look, anyway, you have been captured by me now, and now all the people in the Jianghu know that your aloof Yin Ci was oppressed by my Fusang Palace Master and brought back to Fusang Palace."

"Now that so many days have passed, and you stay in my Fusang Palace, everyone must think that something has happened between us, and your reputation has been ruined."

"Since that's the case, why don't you go with the flow and make such rumors true, so that I can also be responsible to you, and you don't have to be criticized."


The glamorous palace lord bent his eyes, pointed at him, and said in a natural tone: "I am not married, and you are not married, and you also know that I like you, and I am willing to be responsible for you."

"In this way..."

"Just as you want?" the snow-white and cold beauty asked indifferently.

She nodded, looking very serious.

Seeing that he didn't look angry, she took a step forward and continued:
"Yin Ci, I know that you like quietness and don't want to participate in the disputes between the rivers and lakes. You definitely don't like people like me."

"However, since things have come to this point, if possible, can you give me a chance?"

"Just as... I try my best to make up for it, and let you see my sincerity."

The sickly beauty has perfect eyebrows and eyes, a pair of phoenix eyes staring at her, the cinnabar at the end of the eyes shows a bit of glamorous charm.

His slightly pale face was pale, and no emotion could be seen.

The long finger silently drew a circle on the quilt without saying a word.

I don't know what I was thinking.

The considerate Palace Master certainly knew that he would not agree immediately.

After all, he was brought here by force and humiliation, his reputation was ruined, and his martial arts were abolished.

It's good for him not to be angry, so she didn't expect him to agree.

Making up her mind, she said, "It's okay, if you don't want to—"

"come over."

The cold and sickly beauty opened her lips and her voice was faint.


"come here."

He was sitting by the bed, his plain clothes were a little loose, revealing his fair and beautiful collarbone.

Just looking at her coldly, with black hair hanging down, and bright cinnabar eyes.

His pale face was flawless, and his cold long fingers hung down and rested on his legs.

The palace lord blinked.

After a pause, she hesitated and walked over.

After taking two steps forward, he didn't speak.

So she took another two steps forward.

I kept watching his reaction, and then came to him.

"Young master, you have already said that you don't care about it before, and I just wanted to give a better solution, and I didn't mean to tease you on purpose, so you won't—"

Her wrist was suddenly grabbed and pulled vigorously.

(End of this chapter)

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