Chapter 1354 Contaminated (29)

Her wrist was suddenly grabbed and pulled vigorously.

The Palace Mistress who was caught off guard immediately sat on his lap.

As soon as she froze, the back of her head was pressed, and he covered her body, blocking her words.

An extremely deep kiss, almost aggressive.

It makes people blush and heartbeat, and the heart speeds up.

The cold breath lingered in his nostrils, he lifted her chin, fixed it, and could not move.

"..." She blinked her eyes, and her fingers froze in mid-air in an instant, a little astonished.

I didn't expect him to react like this, and even, he was a little terrifyingly strong.

As if noticing that she was distracted, he bit her lightly.

Touching her face, her breath was hot.

He stared at her, his beautiful phoenix eyes were terribly black, and his movements were extremely powerful.

The glamorous Palace Mistress sat on his lap, his body a little stiff.

After a long, long time, he let her go, panting, his lips were moist, the color was bright and attractive.

The Palace Mistress sitting on his lap was not much better either.

She was bright red, with a faint pink on her cheeks.

The bones of his body also gradually softened, and his head subconsciously leaned on his shoulder.

His chest was heaving and still recovering.

With moist eyes and a delicate face, she touched her lips, only to feel numbness and tingling.

Probably swollen again.

She sipped her lips and looked up at him.

"Yin Ci, you..."

He kneaded her cheeks, his phoenix eyes were light: "I like this kind of thing."

The Palace Mistress was taken aback.


He likes to do this kind of thing?
She blinked, her eyes were moist.

"You... want to do this?"

He hummed lightly.

"It's soft and comfortable."

So, he loves it.

He liked it so much from the very first sight that he wanted to do it.

Lord Palace Master: "..."

I didn't know what to say for a while.

After a long silence, she tugged at his sleeve and asked, "Then do you want to do this kind of thing every day?"

The little goblin dared to climb the pole when she saw it, and followed the vine, her beautiful lips slightly hooked.

The man said nothing, he kneaded the soft flesh on her face, as if he wanted to hear what good ideas she had.

She rubbed his hand, pretending to be obedient, and said, "If you are willing to marry me, then you can do this every day. What do you think?"

He glanced at her lightly.

"Just like it is now." She moved closer to her kiss and gave him a peck.


"." Neither good nor bad.

She pecked him again.

He pinched her face, his voice was dark.

"I will consider."

Will consider, which means to relax a little.

Yun Si actually wanted to say that for kissing, he could just find any woman, and he didn't have to marry her.

It's just that he doesn't seem to know this.

To be able to let go because of this kind of thing shows that he really doesn't know much about men and women.

The Palace Mistress hooked the corner of his lower lip as if there was nothing there, and slowly leaned on his shoulder.

He kneaded her face without refusing.

This shows that everything is developing in a good direction.

The lord of the palace walked out of the palace, held up her skirt, and gave some instructions to the maid.

The maid bowed and left.

Seeing Ah Li still waiting at the pillar, he looked at her eagerly.

The Palace Mistress waved to him, signaling him to come over.

Ah Li ran over obediently, clutching his sleeves, and looked at her quietly.

"Si Si Si, do you have time now?"

(End of this chapter)

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