Chapter 1355 Contaminated (30)

He was cautious, as if he was afraid of hearing her rejection.

The Palace Mistress gently touched his head and said, "The kite is ready?"

He nodded heavily.

"Do it, it's done."

"Big, very beautiful." He stared straight at her with his small round beautiful eyes, and his soft lips were slightly pursed.

Like a poor little abandoned child.

She sighed and looked at the closed door behind her.

"Come on, let's fly a kite."

No matter how you say it, you can't always lose his promise.

Ali's eyes lit up instantly.



The palace lord raised his eyebrows and smiled, "You don't want to?"

"No no no! I want to! I want to!"

Ah Li was so nervous that he grabbed his sleeve, at a loss, as if he didn't know what to do next.

"Then we are now"

The Palace Mistress was a little amused, and pointed to the sky: "Go get the kite, I'll wait for you in the pasture, okay?"

Ah Li nodded heavily again: "Okay!"

He turned around and ran quickly, very anxiously.

The palace lord watched from behind and smiled.

Turning her head to glance at the closed door, she smiled slightly, feeling her head was a little big.

Yin Ci's matter is on the right track, but A Li's side
She is still not sure about Ah Li's identity, so even if she can resonate with him, she will not do anything to him.

Otherwise, it will be bad if you get it wrong.

She clicked her tongue and looked up to the sky.

While Yin Ci was taking a bath and changing clothes, Yun Si took A Li to the pasture behind Fusang Palace specially used for riding training.

After all the disciples were emptied, the Palace Mistress found a shady pavilion to sit, and Ah Li followed her with bright eyes, holding his carefully crafted fox kite in his hand.

The palace lord poured tea, looked at it, a little funny.

"Show me?" She pointed to the kite in his hand with her thin white fingers.

A Li immediately handed it over and stared at her, seeming a little nervous.

The glamorous Palace Mistress looked down for a while.

Then, he stretched out his hand again and looked at him gently: "Hand, show me."

Ah Li was taken aback.

The hand that was twisting the cloth shrank back all of a sudden.

Biting her lip, she looked at her in a daze, na na: "Why... what's the matter? Si Si."

The attentive Lord Palace Master pursed his lips and repeated patiently: "Hand, give it to me."

Ah Li Youyuan's beautiful eyes moved, and she bit her lip to look at her.

With the hand shrunk behind her back, she unconsciously touched the scratch on her own hand, silent.

After a while, he lowered his head and stretched it out stiffly.

The palace lord gently grabbed him.

At the moment of touching, the fingers of the two people seemed to be electrified, and the feeling of numbness came instantly.

For a moment, Ah Li's finger turned into a transparent color of nothingness.

It turned into a soft purple light, like a thin vine, entwined around Yun Si's fingers.

Soon, it melted into her hands and disappeared.

Ali's face turned pale.

Yun Si was stunned.

Subconsciously, she withdrew her hand.

Only then did the filamentary vines disappear, and Ah Li's hand reappeared.

Trembling slightly, hanging in the air, Ah Li's face also became extremely pale.

It's as if the spirit of the whole body has been sucked away.

Seeing that his body was a bit tottering and he couldn't stand firmly, Yun Si hurriedly stood up and supported him.

Touching his hand, his situation became the same as before.

(End of this chapter)

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