Chapter 1383 Obsession (2)

[-], Academic Affairs Office.

The girl holding the documents stood outside the door and knocked on the door.

"Please come in."

She just opened the door and went in.

The Academic Affairs Office is large and spacious.

Entering is a cool breeze. Inside, a middle-aged man wearing reading glasses is looking at the computer.

Because he couldn't see clearly, he took off his glasses from time to time and leaned over to look.

The girl stood at the door and bowed slightly to him.

"Hi, I'm a transfer student today, my name is Yun Si."

The man looked over and put on his glasses again.

"A transfer student? Come here."

Yun Si hugged the documents, walked over, and handed the documents to him.

The man flipped through her profile.

"Gifted students, right? The scholarship level is."


He finally looked up and took a good look at her.

The special scholarship not only exempts tuition fees, but also provides an additional scholarship of [-] yuan every year. The number of places is very small.

This little girl seems to be doing quite well in her studies.
He stood up, went to the refrigerator to get a bottle of juice, and handed it to her.

"Hi, student Yun, I'm Wu Changchun, the director of academic affairs, you can call me Teacher Wu."

"Hello, Teacher Wu."

He waved his hand: "I'll register your information, you go and sit on the sofa for a while."

She thanked her and sat down quietly.

It would take a certain amount of time to enter the information, and Yun Si had nothing to do, so she casually flipped through the magazines on the coffee table.

The office suddenly fell silent, only the sound of Wu Changchun tapping the keyboard from time to time remained.

The temperature here is suitable, without the hot and dry outside.

Yun Si took a sip of the cold juice, turned a page, and happened to see a report about St. Peter's High School.

The aristocratic school recruits students every year, and their families are either high-ranking officials or very rich.

The annual tuition fee is as high as 30, which does not include tuition and miscellaneous fees.

She was able to transfer here without relying on anything else, just because St. Peter High School took a fancy to her grades.

But despite this, she still has to pay the high tuition and fees.

I don't know if her scholarship is enough.

She pursed her pink lips and turned another page.

Twenty minutes later, Wu Changchun finally recorded her information.

He gave her the enrollment certificate printed out by the computer, and he said, "Student, you have been assigned to class B of the third year of high school, and the class teacher is Wen Yiyi."

"You take this certificate of enrollment and go to Building B [-] to find her, and she will help you deal with the next thing."

Yun Si took it and thanked her.

"Okay, if there is no problem, you can go."

"Teacher, I have another question."

Wu Changchun sat back on the office chair and took a sip of tea: "What's the problem?"

"I would like to ask, when will the school's scholarships be issued? Are they awarded in batches or?"

Wu Changchun put down the water glass and said, "Under normal circumstances, it will be distributed after the final exam, but if you are in a hurry to spend money, you can apply to the school, and the school will consider it according to your situation."

"That is to say, after filling out the application, can it be given as soon as possible?"

"Yes." Wu Changchun pushed up his glasses, and glanced up and down at the overly plain clothes on her body.

"The school's tuition and miscellaneous fees are not cheap, at least [-] to [-] yuan. If you are short of money, you can fill out the application form now."

"If the follow-up is passed, I will notify you to come and fill in the account."

"Thank you so much." She bowed slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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