Chapter 1384 Obsession (3)

After completing the school transfer procedures, Yunsi followed Wu Changchun's instructions and went to her new head teacher with her enrollment certificate.

After pressing the elevator, she stood there quietly waiting.

Watching the elevator go down slowly, she glanced at the student certificate.

The above is her basic information, and it is also stamped with the special seal of the school.

Because of the transfer of schools, the procedures to go through are still a bit cumbersome.

She looked at it, held it in her arms, and turned her attention to the elevator again.

There was only a "ding" sound, and the elevator slowly opened.

Inside, three boys stood there.

Yun Si directly confronted the boy in the middle,

"." She blinked slightly.

It's her baby.

The three boys are standing separately.

The person in the middle leaned there lazily, his slender eyelashes raised gently.

The dark eyes contained no warmth, they were indifferent and alienated.

He was wearing a clean and tidy white T-shirt and loose gray sweatpants.

With a pocket in his pocket, fair skin, a pair of brows and eyes tinged with a bit of hostility.

Just like this, he happened to meet her eyes, and his eyes seemed to pause for a moment.

Then, move away lightly.

Doesn't seem very interested in her.

Yun Si pinched the student certificate, and then looked at the two boys beside him.

One is white and fat, a fat man wearing glasses.

One has healthy wheat-colored skin, is tall and strong, and has well-developed muscles.

Both looked at her, and seemed to exchange glances.

Yun Si walked in.

The button on the first floor has already been pressed, she glanced at it, and there is no need to press it again.

The elevator door then slowly closed.

As the elevator descended slowly, no one spoke in the enclosed space.

With the shadow reflected by the elevator door, she calmly looked at the boy standing behind her, and took note of his appearance.

Standing quietly, she lowered her eyelashes with a calm expression.

The fat man with glasses looked at her a few times, and spoke out first.

"Recently opened?"

He saw the proof of enrollment in her hand.

A plain girl with a high ponytail, a slender figure and porcelain white skin.

Beautiful, but with a quiet temperament.

It is a rare strange face.

She turned to look at him and nodded.

The fat man asked again: "Are you a gifted student?"

The answer is obvious.

Otherwise, she might not even be able to enter the gate with such a poor dress.

He said kindly, "It turns out that the gifted student who will be transferred today is you."

"Just to remind you, before four o'clock this afternoon, remember to come to the student union for the record. All gifted students will be managed by the student union, and you are no exception. Do you understand?"

She raised her eyebrows.

"Yes, thank you."

Her voice is gentle and soft.

It was very polite.

The elevator opened with a "ding" sound.

Arrived on the first floor.

Yun Si walked out, holding the paper in her hand and her little white bag on her back.

In the elevator, the muscular boy twisted his wrist and chuckled.

"Another guinea pig has come in."

"Fatty Bai, isn't she the one who got the first place in the city's exam?"

Bai Yuanzhe pushed his glasses, took out his phone and looked at it.

"It's her. The school gave her a place for a super gifted student and waived her tuition fees."

"Interesting, I thought I was a nerd, but I didn't expect to look like a nerd."

The boy put the hat on casually, stepped forward and pressed the negative layer.

The person standing in the middle, with drooping eyelids and pockets, remained silent.

The posture is lazy and ignores.

The elevator doors closed again.

(End of this chapter)

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