Chapter 1388 Obsession (8)

Good-looking boy?

The name flashed across Ni Wenqiong's mind instantly.

She probed: "Is it Han Yu?"

Yun Si thought about it.

"Probably? I heard a fat man calling him Brother Yu."

That is Han Yu.

Ni Wenqiong stayed for a while, looking at her like looking at a Pokémon.

"Do you know Han Yu?"

No, she didn't even know Han Yu's name just now.

Ni Wenqiong put down his pen immediately.

"That is to say, when you went to the student union just now, you met Han Yu, and Han Yu gave you a meal?"

Yun Si nodded.

"." Ni Wenqiong's eyes were dazed, and he muttered to himself, "No wonder."

No wonder she returned so quickly.

On weekdays, all the newly arrived gifted students had to go to the student union to undergo a "baptism" before returning in a mess.

When I came back, I was still crying, and my spirit was not normal.

There is nothing wrong with Yun Si now, it is obvious that the student union did not attack her.

As for why there was no trouble.
Probably because of Han Yu.

She said, "Yunsi, you probably don't need to pay any more."


Ni Wenqiong took a deep breath.

"Han the president of the student union."


"Fan Yunshi and Jiang Tianhao are the vice presidents of the student union, they are under Han Yu, so they all listen to Han Yu, and one thing is...Fan Yunshi likes Han Yu."


"When you went to the student union just now, Fan Yunshi was there, right?"


"That's right, Fan Yunshi sees that Han Yu gave you lunch and... defended you, what do you think she will think?"


Is there?

Ni Wenqiong slapped his head: "Oh yes, you don't know about this either."

"That's right. Every new gifted student will go to the student union to report, sign, and the information will be used for filing."

"But you also know how bad the rich people in our school are. They look down on poor people like us, so Fan Yunshi and Jiang Tianhao took the lead and made fun of the new gifted students on the day they arrived."

What she said was vague, but it was always in a bad way.

"Jiang Tianhao is more ruthless towards male gifted students. He is quite a gentleman and doesn't know how to touch girls, but Fan Yunshi is different. He will make all kinds of... jokes on us girls."

"Anyway, girls she doesn't like, or girls who are prettier, won't have a good time, so better be careful."

Yun Si held the chopsticks, frowned slightly, and looked at her.

Ni Wenqiong pushed the rigid glasses on his face unnaturally, with fear in his voice.

"Then...that Fan Yunshi is more ruthless than Jiang Tianhao, and bullies gifted students, regardless of gender."

"As long as she doesn't like it, she will make trouble at any time, and she doesn't care at all."

"All the people in the student union act based on her face. Even Jiang Tianhao, who is fierce in fights, has to give her face."

Yun Si: "Does Han Yu not care?"

Ni Wenqiong shook his head.

"Although Han Yu is the president of the student union, he seldom manages things. Although he knows about things like these domineering and ignoring school rules, he never cares about them."

"The student union is now basically managed by two vice presidents, and what they do is naturally based on their preferences."

"Now that you have accepted Han Yu's lunch, Fan Yunshi will definitely follow you, so..."

(End of this chapter)

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