Chapter 1389 Obsession (9)

"Actually, it's useless whether you pay or not. Fan Yunshi is a very vengeful person. If she sees Han Yu defending you and giving you lunch, she will definitely do something secretly to make you unable to get along in this school." .”

"You also know that our gifted students have to sign a contract to study here."

"If we transfer to another school in the middle, unless it is death, no matter what the reason is, it will be regarded as our breach of contract and we will have to pay high compensation."

"The amount of compensation depends on the level of gifted students. I am a second-level student, so if I break the contract, I have to pay a breach fee of 100 million. As for you... you are a special-level student, right?"

"The special class is not only free of tuition, but also has the highest scholarship, which means that the liquidated damages to be paid will be as high as tens of millions, which will directly bankrupt you."

Ni Wenqiong said, sighing.

"You said, the school is clearly cheating us. Gifted students like us, how can we have any money at home? Even if we are forced to death, we can't afford so much money."

"However, the school still has a way. If it can't pay, the school will directly sue us in the name of debt and force repayment. If there is really no money, then the school's lawyers will try their best to send us to prison. The most serious thing is to be sentenced to life imprisonment and die of old age in prison.”

"Anyway, it's easy for Fan Yunshi to kill a gifted student, just make her unable to get along in school."

"I can't run away, I can only hold on."

"You have just transferred to another school, so you must not know that last year, Fan Yunshi forced to death a very handsome and gentle gifted student."

"That gifted student's family background is similar to yours. They are both orphans. On the first day she transferred to another school, Fan Yunshi happened to be in a bad mood that day, so she was severely punished."

"That gifted student had obviously scraped together the money, but in the was useless at all. Instead, she was squeezed by Fan Yunshi, forcing her to hand in the last bit of money her parents left her."

"Finally, after struggling for three months, the girl went crazy, lost her mind, and jumped off the stairs."

"But this matter has no impact on Fan Yunshi at all, and the school board directly suppressed this matter, and did not take it seriously at all."

"Because of this, Fan Yunshi became more and more arrogant, and even Jiang Tianhao often got her cold eyes."

"In short, Fan Yunshi is in this school. The girls basically listen to her, and the boys also respect her at a distance."

"So Yun Si, don't pay the money today, let's see the situation for now."

"If Fan Yunshi wants to attack you, then the action will probably start in the next two days."

"Telling you so much, I also want to remind you that if Fan Yunshi starts targeting you tomorrow, then..."

"I'm sorry, I won't talk to you again at that time, and you must never come to me. I just want to live and study hard, and I don't want to get involved in these things."

She gestured ingratiatingly.

"..." Yun Si put down her chopsticks and leaned back on the chair, her lips twitching.

She didn't seem to know what to say about what she mentioned.

After Ni Wenqiong finished speaking, he lowered his head and moved his desk farther away.

It was as if he regarded her as some deadly virus, untouchable, untouchable.

(End of this chapter)

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