Chapter 1397 Infatuation (16),
"." She returned the menu.

"I'm not hungry, you order."

The tired, white boy looked up at her.

"My family opened it here, and it doesn't cost money."

His voice always reveals a soft meaning.

With a bit of lazy milky air, like the tip of a cat's tail, hooking her vaguely.

Always very attractive.

Yun Si blinked.

In the next second, she took the menu back.

This time, he was not polite at all.

After ordering several dishes, she looked at him again.

His face was pale, his eyelids drooped, and he didn't respond.

There is always a sense of laziness.

After ordering, the waiter bowed to them and left.

The food was served in 3 minutes, not more than a minute, not less than a second.

The quality of service is quite high.

Yun Si picked up the chopsticks.

I originally prepared steamed buns, but now I can only save them for dinner at night.

she thought contentedly.

The snow-white and delicate boy sat up straight, took his hands out of his trouser pockets, rested his chin, and looked at her indifferently.

He didn't move his chopsticks, just quietly lowered his eyelids, watching her eat, not knowing what he was thinking.

Yun Si looked up at him: "Aren't you going to eat?"

He looked at her with lazy eyes.

"Come and eat with me later, I'm alone, lazy."

Fair and delicate wrist bones, bright red lips.

It's really like a big white cat that is always lazy, just looking at her like this, with beautiful and dignified eyes.

People can't move their eyes.

The girl in the school uniform was stunned, "...But, I don't have any money"

He picked up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of meat and put it in her bowl, his face pale.

"My family doesn't need money."

The girl moved her lips, trying to say something.

But in the end, she nodded.

".it is good."

Although I don't feel ashamed.

But since it's his, she doesn't seem to need to be polite.

The photo of Yun Si sharing lunch with Han Yu was soon posted on the school's official forum.

Among them, there are also many scenes of Han Yu serving her food.

All were secretly photographed and posted on the forum.

In an instant, Yun Si became angry.

All the background and background were stripped out, stripped clean.

Han Yu's attitude towards her was too ambiguous, which made people suspicious.

After all, helping her get ahead before can be said to be a rare sympathy, and a rare desire to uphold justice.

But now, Han Yu shared lunch with her, and his behavior during the period was extremely intimate.

Yun Si was completely annoyed, and no matter where she went, people pointed at her.

In just one afternoon, more than a dozen groups of people looked at her outside the corridor in the name of going to the bathroom.

Rumors slowly spread that she was Han Yu's personal girlfriend, so when Fan Yunshi targeted her, Han Yu would defend her.

Such rumors spread more and more, like a snowball, causing a commotion.

When Yun Si was going to the bathroom, she could hear people talking at the sink outside.

Talking about her background made her sore from head to toe.

Those who didn't know thought she was a mistress.

She was not in a hurry to go out, but sat on the toilet and looked at the school's forum.

The photos about her and Han Yu on the forum have already been promoted to the top page, and even used a large banner to scroll and play.

The comments below were already hot, and one after another came out.

She looked at it with interest, and even clicked on the picture to have a look.

(End of this chapter)

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