Chapter 1398 Obsession (17)

I don't know who took the photo, but it's pretty good.

Even the movement of Han Yu reaching out to wipe the corner of her mouth was photographed.


Before looking at it, she really didn't notice that he did so many actions for her.

Yun Si was scrolling through the comment section below.

The last comment loaded quickly.

"Stone Hammer is undoubtedly, this post has been on the top for four hours, and the forum administrator has not deleted the post, which also shows that Yun Si is indeed Han Yu's girlfriend, and the official acquiescence."

Yun Si raised her eyebrows.

Keep reading the comments.

Before she loaded it, the door of the toilet suddenly slammed.

Something seemed to be stuck behind the door.

Yun Si looked up.

Putting the phone back in her pocket, she pushed the door open.

Sure enough, someone outside held something against the door.

If she guessed correctly, the next step is
There was a bang, and a bucket of yellow fecal water fell from the sky.

A few girls outside were standing there, and Fan Yunshi was standing at the door, with a look of joy on her face after venting.

"Sister Yunshi, don't worry, she will definitely smell bad."

"It stinks? Who is it?" The beautiful and plain girl stood behind Fan Yunshi and asked curiously.

Appeared like a ghost, without shadow or sound, without warning.

Fan Yunshi's expression changed, and she screamed out of fright.

The girls standing in the toilet backed away one after another, in disbelief.

"Why are you here?"

Someone opened the door that had been closed just now.

It turned out that there was nothing inside.

Only dung and water flowed all over the floor, dirty and stinky.

However, the girl in the school skirt with beautiful eyebrows tilted her head.

He looked at them curiously, looking very surprised.

"Otherwise, where do you think I am?"

"You don't think... I'm in the toilet, do you?"

She smiled and pointed to the toilet full of feces.

"." Fan Yunshi clutched her chest, her face half green and half pale.

He looked at her in horror, as if he had seen a ghost.

The few girls didn't dare to speak, and looked at each other in blank dismay.

Obviously, they watched her walk in with their own eyes, and someone has been watching her all the time, why now
Fan Yunshi was quite frightened.

At last.

Under the horrified eyes of everyone, Yunsi washed her hands slowly, and then returned to the classroom in a good mood.

In the classroom, everyone was still discussing things on the forum in low voices.

Seeing her come back, he basically stopped talking.

Start to do their own things.

Yun Si sat back in her seat, continued to take out her phone, and checked the comments below.

According to the comments, the school forum is under the jurisdiction of the student union and is directly controlled by the members of the student union.

Generally speaking, the school's forum will have a dedicated administrator.

The Student Union requires the forum administrators to be on call 24 hours a day, to delete any badly affected posts, and to ban those who speak indiscriminately.

But now, after such a long time, the post has not been deleted.

Not only was it not deleted, but the homepage of the forum was full of discussions in this regard, and the photos were allowed to fly all over the sky, and they didn't care about it at all.

Does that mean
Yun Si turned her head to look at the seat that had been vacant all this time.

After eating at noon, he disappeared again and never came to class.

I don't know what to do.

Yun Si looked at it for a while, then put down the phone.

Don't think about it, anyway, he has nothing to do with her.

(End of this chapter)

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