Chapter 1399 Obsession (18)

#Student Union Affiliated Network Management Room#
Rows of computers are turned on, and they don't mind the power consumption.

Four or five boys in management uniforms were playing games with fast hands.

"Old Chen, do you want to drive together?"

"Come, come, here is waiting for you."

"The room number has been sent to you."

"Wait, wait for me to choose an assistant."

"Hurry up! Hurry up and finish this game, I have to go back and have dinner with my old man."

". By the way, don't you care about the things on the forum?"

"You're talking about Brother Yu and that new gifted student? Don't worry about that, let them go."

"Then how? If the president blames it, won't we all be punished?"

"Oh, what are you afraid of? I called Brother Hao just now, and Brother Hao said don't worry about it, he will take care of it if something happens."

"However, Sister Yunshi also called me just now and asked me to delete the post immediately. If I don't delete it, I will have no good fruit to eat. What should I do? Who should I listen to?"

"Hey, of course I listened to Brother Hao. Now the vice president is Brother Hao. We will listen to what Brother Hao says. So what is Fan Yunshi?"


"Okay, okay, let's not talk, hurry up!"

"Come, come, come—"

Yun Si did not go home directly after school, but went to work as a tutor.

The tuition and miscellaneous fees of St. Peter's High School are too expensive. The cost of books and school uniforms alone forced her to live on steamed buns this month.

She went to tutoring early on, and because of her good grades, the salary given by the other party's parents is still very considerable.

Yun Si took the bus all the way to the wealthy district in the east of the city.

He greeted the security guard at the door familiarly, and then came to a single-family villa.

After ringing the bell, the door of the villa opened quickly.

The sweet-looking little girl inside ran out to meet her.

"Teacher—you are here, I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

"Sorry, Nini, I'm 2 minutes late."

Yun Si smiled and rubbed her head.

The little girl held her hand, shook her head, and said babyishly.

"It's okay, the teacher will come earlier next time."

She pulled her and walked inside.

"Teacher, I don't understand a lot today, let's hurry up and start class."

"it is good."

At ten o'clock in the evening, come out of the rich area.

Yun Si carried her small schoolbag on her back, looked at her phone, and calculated the money left in her account.

Including today's tutoring fees, she has 500 yuan left after paying the bills.

500 yuan, to raise myself and a little fox for 20 days, which is equivalent to only spending 25 yuan a day.

Excluding the bus fare to and from school
She lowered her head and suddenly felt someone blocking her in front of her.

She walked around without looking up.

As a result, those people seemed to be here to find fault with her, and they stretched out their hands to block her way.

"Little beauty, alone?"

It was night, and almost no one walked through the streets outside the rich area.

The street lamps were brightly lit, shining on the people on the street.

The slender girl looked up, looked at the five men standing in front of her, and said nothing.

The phone was slowly put down and put back in his pocket.

"What's the matter?" She asked lightly.

Five men, dark-skinned, tall, and flowing.

Just looking at it makes me uneasy.

One of the leaders, the big man, touched his chin and laughed.

"Little beauty, it's so late, it's not safe to walk alone on the road, do you want us to walk together?"

(End of this chapter)

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